Peter Tunison

Post date: May 18, 2011 3:44:45 PM

Left Benedict’s and went on to Syracuse for the next 4 years plus one more in London to get my Bachelor of Architecture in ’76; left for 6 ½ years in The Gambia West Africa with Peace Corps for 3 and USAID another 3 ½. Married a PCV there and moved to her home in Saint Paul, Minnesota, still married 28 years later, three kids, two out of college and one still there. Joined the Minnesota Air National Guard in ’84 and have since worked for the Air Force and toured the world: 6 years at the base in Saint Paul and then 10 years raising the kids while a weekend warrior and Guard “bum” taking short tours of duty in West Africa and Israel for many years. Went to DC for the Sept 12th on events, eventually ending up on active duty as a Colonel at the Pentagon, then ANG HQ at Andrews AFB in charge of the real estate, facility planning, programming and environmental compliance for our 88+ bases throughout the country. Not been to the wars myself, but my two sons are in the Air National Guard and have each been there. I have been told by my now retired wife that I will also retire when I hit mandatory military retirement when I turn 60, that’s the way it will be. Linda has been living in Saint Paul all these years so it will be good to move back to be with her everyday!