Minutes 2011-10-26

CCC October 2011 Minutes

October 26th, 2011 at 7:00pm at Dalhousie Community Centre

Present: John Verbaas – Chairperson, Action Sandy Hill; Jordan Charbonneau – Vice-chair, Centretown Citizens Community Association; Leslie Kirk - Secretary, Old Ottawa East Community Association; Roland Dorsay, Island Park Community Association; Ida Henderson, Dalhousie Community Association; and George Wright, Glebe resident.

1. Administrative

a. Agenda Approved

b. Approval of September Minutes: Minutes not yet available; to be distributed ahead of November meeting

2. Prince of Wales Drive Widening EA – Notice of Completion

-30 day review period ends November 14

-Further CCC Action? John to contact Cam in relation to previous letter submitted by CCC. CCC to re-iterate the concerns raised in previous communications

-Question: Does public art requirement apply to this project?

3. Downtown E-W LRT Updates / Downtown Moves (DOMO)

- DOMO study a result of streets renewal project triggered by LRT project; the study area is the area bounded by Wellington, Gloucester, Rideau Centre and Bronson. The study area does not include Laurier Station which will be eliminated when LRT gets going. The “study context” is a much larger area.

- Kick-off of Downtown Moves consultation – Jordan and John attended the kickoff and John went to a walkabout the following day

- Rideau Street Station to located on south side of Rideau near the food court (forces all users destined to/from the market to cross Rideau St)

- West entrance to Rideau Station near the NAC (two street to cross from West side of Elgin)

- ACTION: Write to DOMO and ask why the station entrances are located where they are?

- Jordan is a member of the DOMO working group

- There are 2 sets of consultants for this study; one facilitating consultation process and the other researching what other cities have done

4. Update on W-LRT Route Corridor Selection

-Ken Gray article/post suggesting that Byron is emerging as the preferred route

-the post suggested that a previously unreleased report was obtained through Access to Information request and that this report suggested that Byron was looking like preferred route

-some doubt about the nature of the report (ie. Was it a draft of an unreleased report? Was it a document previously released to the PCG and/or general public?)

-the working group was supposed to meet in September at which time the preferred route was to be announced but this meeting did not happen and has yet to be scheduled

ACTION: Roland to try to determine what the Citizen article was based on.

5. Traffic Calming Policy

-2012 budget proposed to make $30,000 available to each ward for implementation of new traffic calming measures but this idea apparently scrapped

-City looking for an alternative way to distribute money

6. Results of 2007 Inter-Provincial Roadside Trucking Survey

-report recently released on TRANS website

-lot of interesting information including fact that only 10% of the traffic only passing through and not stopping in the National Capital Region

Other Business

a. Sidewalk Pedestrian Summit: initiative by Diane Holmes to consult people about sidewalks and needs of pedestrians

b. Gladstone O-Train: Katherine Hobbs had made an inquiry about the possibility of having a station built there

c. Rescue Bronson: open house scheduled for November 24, 2011

d. Traffic Impact Studies: Councillors Holmes and Feltmate made a motion about reforming the traffic impact study procedure in the past; CCC would support such an initiative; getting the FCA involved in this a good idea as it is a City wide issue; Roland to draft a letter for review/comment by CCC; CCC to then consider next steps

NEXT MEETING: Last Wednesday of November (November 30, 2011)