1.3 How Should I Cite CiteSpace?

The following three publications represent the core ideas of CiteSpace. The full text in PDF can be downloaded from my ResearchGate page: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Chaomei_Chen .

The 2004 PNAS paper is the initial publication on CiteSpace (Chen 2004). In hindsight, it could have been named CiteSpace I. The 19-page 2006 JASIST paper gives the most thorough and in-depth description of CiteSpace II’s key functions (Chen, 2006), plus a follow-up study of domain experts identified in the visualizations. The 2010 JASIST paper is even longer with 24 pages (Chen et al. 2010), which is the third of the trilogy. It describes technical details on how cluster labels are selected and how each of the three selection algorithms in comparison with labels chosen by domain experts.

My 2017 expert review of Science Mapping: A Systematic Review of the Literature is a more recent demonstration of the type of visual analytic studies of scientific literature. This is an open access journal. https://doi.org/10.1515/jdis-2017-0006

The most recent methodological paper is the 2019 PLoS One paper on the pros and cons of five strategies of constructing a good dataset for science mapping, especially through cascading citation expansion via Dimensions DSL and API.

A Briefly Annotated Bibliography on CiteSpace

Most Cited:

  • Chen, C. (2006) CiteSpace II: Detecting and visualizing emerging trends and transient patterns in scientific literature. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 57(3), 359-377.

First publication on CiteSpace:

  • Chen, C. (2004) Searching for intellectual turning points: Progressive Knowledge Domain Visualization. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 101 (suppl.), 5303-5310.

Automatically select cluster labels:

  • Chen, C., Ibekwe-SanJuan, F., & Hou, J. (2010) The structure and dynamics of co-citation clusters: A multiple-perspective co-citation analysis. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 61(7), 1386-1409. 10.1002/asi.21309

Cascading citation expansion:

  • Chen, C. and Song, M. (2019) Visualizing a Field of Research: A Methodology of Systematic Scientometric Reviews. PLoS One, 14 (10), e0223994. DOI 10.1371/journal.pone.0223994

A demonstration of the visual analytic process:

  • Chen, C. (2017) Science mapping: A systematic review of the literature. Journal of Data and Information Science, 2(2), 1-40. DOI 10.1515/jdis-2017-0006

Structural variation analysis (SVA):

  • Chen, C. (2012) Predictive effects of structural variation on citation counts. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 63(3), 431-449.

A visual analytic study of retraction:

  • Chen, C., Hu, Z., Milbank, J., Schultz, T. (2013) A visual analytic study of retracted articles in scientific literature. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 64(2), 234-253. DOI: 10.1002/asi.22755

Conceptualization of uncertainty:

  • Chen, C., Song, Min., Heo, G. (2018) A Scalable and Adaptive Method for Finding Semantically Equivalent Cue Words of Uncertainty. Journal of Informetrics, 12(1), 158-180.

A study of how users interact with CiteSpace:

  • Ping, Q., He, J., Chen, C. (2017) How many ways to use CiteSpace? A study of user interactive events over 14 months. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 68(5), 1234-1256.