10.2 RIS and EndNote

Export Cited References to RIS or EndNote

CiteSpace provides a function for you to export cited references in a visualized network to a file in RIS format. If you have reference management applications such as EndNote, you can double click on the exported RIS file and the records will be automatically loaded to EndNote. This function will make it easier for you to write up the results of a study with CiteSpace.

Due to the way the cited references are formatted in the Web of Science, the titles are not part of the originally downloaded data. Currently, a cited reference comes with information in terms of five standard fields, namely, the first author, the year of publication, the source, the volume number, and the first page. For recently published references, their DOIs may be also available. As you can see, the title is not included in the Cited Reference (CR) field of a Web of Science record.

CiteSpace attempts to find the titles of these cited references on PubMed. To comply with NCBI’s protocols, CiteSpace needs to make sure that it does not send too many requests to PubMed per second. You will see an estimate of how long it will take to complete the engagement with PubMed before CiteSpace is ready to export the references to RIS. Note that this process may not fully recover the titles for all records. You may need to edit them further in EndNote. The exported file will make it easier for you to go from there than start from a scratch.

The title column displays some titles as well as remaining missing titles. Use the button Save as RIS to save to a file in RIS format.