6.7 Defer the Calculation of Centrality Scores

Calcuating betweenness centrality scores for a large network may take a considerable amount of time. If you do not use centrality-related features, you may ask CiteSpace to defer the calculation of centrality scores based on the size of the network. The default cut-off size is 350 nodes. As shown in the following figure, if the size of the network is more than 350 nodes, CiteSpace will turn off the automatic calculation of betweenness centrality scores in order to avoid an unnecessary delay.

If the auto-calculation is turned off, you will see all the values in the Centrality columns are 0s.

To start the centrality calculation manually, go to menu Metrics ►Compute Centrality.

Once the calculation is completed, you will see non-zero centrality values in the Centrality column.

You can change the default threshold to disable the automatic centrality calculation. Go to menu Preferences ►Set the Turn-Off Point of Centrality Computation and enter a desirable number to the dialog box. For example, if you enter 1000, CiteSpace will use the new value next time to determine whether it will automatically calculate centrality scores or defer the calculation.