Sorter Links

If you receive an error that a "tote already exists":

To delete a tote go to Tote Checkin and use the following login information:

User: super

Password: super

Click on "Delete Tote" on the right hand side and then find the barcode from the tote on the left hand side. Highlight it and delete.

Lyngsoe Automated Material Handler [aka "the Sorter"] Error Reset:

First step - Take everything off the sorter and check all the PECs to see if any are covered by lint, paper, etc. Reset the AMH by pressing the amber button; when both amber and red are blinking press the green button. This should mechanically restart the AMH. If not, continue to second step.

Second step - To reset the sorter software go to the link of the station you need to reset:

Staff Induction Station

LM1 Station

LM2 Station

Check the "Event History" to see what went wrong (it may just need paper). Change the second drop down menu for the hours to 23 so it will show you the whole day. You only need to look at most recent events to see what needs to be fixed.

Examples of events that could indicate the following:

Both orange lights are on and the AMH is not resetting-

Someone bumped [or intentionally hit] an Emergency Stop - reset the listed ES and reset AMH mechanically

There's a tiny piece of paper (or plastic) blocking the PEC [small red light on each conveyor] - remove all bits and reset mechanically

There's been a loss of communication between the sorter and the server somewhere. - restart the application software

Restart the application - Go back to the main page click on the "Configuration Tool" and download JAVA if needed. Run the application (if it asks) and use the following login information:

User Name: maintainer

Password: lls

Click on the "System" tab and restart the application. Do not ever select shutdown system option unless told to by Lyngsoe.

NOTE - If you cannot get the link to the station in error to open [i.e. page not available], call the Lyngsoe Hot Line for a remote restart of the station.

Advanced Lyngsoe Sorter Page