Courses taught

ECON 1500 Survey of Economics

A survey of basic economic concepts with applications to public policy issues.

ECON 2105 Principles of Macroeconomics

An introduction to macroeconomic concepts and their application to aggregate economic activity. Factors influencing rates of economic growth, employment, and inflation are emphasized. measures of aggregate economic activity and policies to control it are covered. This course is taught in a traditional classroom setting and online.

ECON 3400 Public Finance and Fiscal Policy

Comprehensive treatment of economic theory and applications in the field of public finance and fiscal policy. Includes the study of market failure, the provision of public goods, benefit/cost analysis, public expenditures, and the principles of government finance.

ECON 3600 International Economics

Survey of the international exchange of goods, services and financial instruments and the policies that affect this exchange. Topics include pattern of trade, effects of trade controls, trade and growth, trade and the distribution of income, balance of payments accounting, exchange rate systems and the effect of trade on employment, prices, and production.

ECON 3610 Trade and Culture: An Economics Perspective

An introduction to international economics through a study abroad experience. Coursework before departure includes an introduction to trade patterns, international trade organizations, comparative advantage, trade barriers, and exchange rates. In country experiences include visits to companies, places of historical significance, and places of cultural significance of the chosen country. This course may be repeated once for credit in a different country. This course is open to business and non-business majors who have completed at least 45 semester hours.

ECON 4500 Growth and Business Cycles

Analysis of the factors that influence national income, long-run economic growth, unemployment, and inflation. Using various macroeconomic models, students use analytic tools to evaluate the sources of long-run growth and business cycle fluctuations.

FYSE 1101 Financial Health in Modern Societies

An introduction to financial literacy that explores how culture, environmental cues, life experiences, and demographics influence saving, investing, and spending decisions. Students will also demonstrate knowledge of budgeting, borrowing, and saving, and explore government programs and private programs that influence financial opportunities and decisions.

IB 3600 International Business and Culture - Business in Germany

Cross-cultural experience through study abroad. Classroom topics include business practices, historical background, and social and cultural norms of Germany. In-country experiences include visits to companies, places of historical significance, and places of cultural significance.