
Who would have thought that escaping the tourist track would prove so easy and yet so fulfilling? I've learnt more about Indonesian culture than I could have ever imagined, begun to grasp the complexities of the languages, tasted the delights of the wonderful local cuisine, made a heap of new friends and posed for more pictures than David Beckham - and all in just one week. The team know exactly how to cater to the needs of travelers and provide a level of service which is often hard to find. The different schools I've visited have provided me with a real insight into the lives of Indonesians as well as a deeper appreciation of their culture. I'm sad to go but happy in the knowledge that I'll be back!


Philip Moores, London, England


Thank you so much for such an amazing few days. It has been a fantastic experience to be involved with the schools, to visit the recycling centre and stay at home with the family. It was also great to try the different food which was all very nice. The few days here in Cianjur have been the highlight of my time in Indonesia & I have enjoyed every second. Thank you for having me and being so welcoming. Hope to see you again soon.


Cheryl Barnard, England


The Hospitality, staff courtesy and the day trips were all wonderful, The food was delicious and it provided us with a crash course into Indonesian cuisines. Andang and his Team took care of us during our day excursions and the homestay offered a comfort of a home with internet, laundry and the charm of staying in Cianjur. The locals were exceptionally friendly and made the experience  even more memorable.

Shawn and Marion, New York, USA




I would like to thank everyone that I have met in Cianjur for a wonderful stay. I cannot recommend the Cianjur Homestay Project enough. As a traveler you often find that you are just traveling around different countries with other travelers and not really gaining an insight into the culture of that country. With the Cianjur Homestay Project I was able to meet lots of local people and see exactly how they live and go about their day to day lives. The people I met along the way were all so genuinely friendly and welcoming and keen to tell you about their culture. I tried so many different types of local food, something that I am sure I would have missed out had I just travelled the traditional tourist route. I especially enjoyed judging the English speaking competition at the local school and visiting the rural village. I would like to thank Cianjur Homestay , the team and his family for having me to stay and to Andang for being such a helpful guide, providing me with great information and for teaching me a little Indonesian along the way. I look forward to coming back in the near future.

James Marshall, Oxford, England.




we had a great time here, people were friendly, the food was great, we enjoyed the excursion to rural village, tea plantation, Floating village, and  waterfall.  we learnt a lot about life and culture of Indonesia, Andang and team were very good at showing the country properly.




Verena and Julia, Germany


Thank you so much for giving me this wonderful experience in Cianjur. It was fantastic to learn about your town & culture & it was inspiring just how enthusiastic all the students and teachers were who I met. Staying in your home was wonderful though I am sure I have put on lots of weight from all the delicious food! Until next time ……

Philippa Mace, London, England

I would like to say a big thank to Cianjur Homestay and the team for this fantastic and memorable experience - I had a great time. I enjoyed meeting nice friendly people and helping students with their English. This is a very nice introduction to Indonesia. I enjoyed the food and tropical fruit very much, and thank you for showing  me and Jenny around such nice places. This has certainly been the highlight of my South East Asia trip. You and team are doing a great job, and I think more people should do what you do in similar places off the beaten track

Kristina, Slovakia

Being here has been fantastic, I have learnt so much about Indonesian culture that just would not have been possible without Andang and his friends. I have really enjoyed meeting all the teachers and students - their motivation in learning is inspiring. You set up the programme so well and I really enjoyed my stay here - the people were friendly, the food was nice, the nature and rice fields were beautiful. Wishing you all the best and a huge thank you.

Jennifer Martin, England

Thank you so much for the great experience staying in non-touristy town like cianjur and arranging everything during my stay here, I really felt home and relax after months of traveling in south east asia, I enjoyed meeting genuine local people and learnt west java culture, the food and tropical fruit were fantastic, it’s ashamed that I couldn’t stay longer, but I will definitely come back and stay longer on my next trip.


Theresa - Germany



If you're tired of the tourist run-around, or if constantly watching but not participating has left you a bit numb, then step out of your comfort zone and into the capable hands of Yudi and his team.


In their homestay/volunteering program, you'll live in a real kampung, alongside the locals, eating their foods, sharing rides on their motorbikes and in their angkots, and you'll get a chance to volunteer in the local schools. This immersion, and the honest, down-to-earth and enthusiastic interactions you'll have with the students, schoolteachers and everybody else you'll bump into will afford you insights that you just can't get from the tourist/backpacker trail. In Cianjur, you will likely be the only bule (foreigner) in town, but that won't leave you feeling threatened, but rather like a charming curiosity--kids, in particular, will run up to you to practice their English, yelling "hello mister! where you from?" and generally taking a good look. You won't be an Indonesian, but you will gain a huge appreciation for their community and culture.


Of the three months my wife and I spent touring around Southeast Asia, this homestay program was far and away our highlight.


Mike and Jackie Hobbins, Colorado, USA


P.S., When you get to Cianjur, get the team to take you to the lontong cafe--you will not be sorry!