Recdommended PC Tools

PC ToolsEasyCleaner

ToniArts' repair tool searches your Registry for unnecessary entries and gives

you the option of deleting them. You can instruct it to skip entries containing

a specific word, and you can have it print or save its search results.

EasyCleaner has other tricks, as well, including an Add/Remove programs tool

(similar to Windows' built-in add/remove utility), tools for finding duplicate

and unnecessary files, a space usage tool that tells you where your hard-drive

space is going, and a Startup inspector that could take the place of msconfig.

It has an undo command, too. Should you regret a particular Registry change, you

can undo all or just one of them.

PC Wizard

CPUID's freebie provides a full list of everything on your PC. It will identify

the BIOS make and number, the type of RAM, and CPU and motherboard temperature.

PC Wizard can also report on Windows' configuration, system files, and

resources. And it benchmarks the PC's performance.

Undelete Plus

Just in case the computer user accidentally deleted a file and then emptied the

Recycle Bin, it's a good idea to have this little program on your flash drive.

It scans the hard drive, groups deleted files by type, and estimates you the

likelihood of recovering the lost items. Then it tries--and often succeeds--to

recover the ones you select. Undelete Plus is free, but if you like it, be nice

and send in the requested $10 donation.