Time / space duality

main collaborators : Dr. Hervé Rigneault, Dr. Frédéric Chaussard, Dr. Frédéric Audo, Anastasiia Sheveleva

main period : 2013- on going

Taking advantage of the space/time duality that may exist in optics between the consequences of the diffraction in the spatial domain and the impact of dispersion in the temporal domain, we have theoretically/numerically and experimentally revisited several very well known phenomena in spatial optics. Therefore, we have discussed patterns linked to the temporal interferences for various configurations reminiscent of interferometer taught in university textbooks, as well as far-field diffraction patterns. We have also found analogues of the Gouy phase shift or temporal patterns induced by a phase jump.

More recently, we have also investigated partially incoherent signals.

main related publications :
E.R. Andresen, C. Finot, D. Oron, H. Rigneault,
Spectral Analog of the Gouy Phase Shift, Phys. Rev. Lett., 110 (2013) 143902.
F. Audo, H. Rigneault, C. Finot,
Linear and nonlinear fiber propagation of partially coherent fields exhibiting temporal correlations, Ann. Phys. (Berl.), (2020) 1900597.
F. Chaussard, H. Rigneault, C. Finot,
Two-wave interferences space-time duality: Young slits, Fresnel biprism and Billet bilens, Opt. Commun., 397 (2017) 31-38.
C. Finot, H. Rigneault,
Experimental observation of temporal dispersion gratings in fiber optics, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, 34 (2017) 1511-1517.
C. Finot, H. Rigneault,
Arago spot formation in the time domain, J. Opt, 21 (2019) 105504.
J. Nuno, C. Finot, J. Fatome,
Linear Sampling and Magnification Technique Based on Phase Modulators and Dispersive Elements: the Temporal Lenticular Lens, Opt. Fiber Technol., 36 (2017) 125-129.
A. Sheveleva, C. Finot,
Temporal Fresnel diffraction induced by phase jumps in linear and nonlinear optical fibres, Results in Physics, 19 (2020) 103344.