Research and teaching projects

Research related fundings

  • Involvement in several projects funded by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche : Optimum (local PI), Supercode (local PI), SOFICARS (local PI), Manureva, OptiRoc, Futur, So Fast, FenOptics, Iliade.

  • PI of a project funded by the Mission pour les Initiatives Transverses et Interdisciplinaires (MITI) of the CNRS : project FOURIER (Fibres et Optique Ultra-Rapide pour l'Investigation d'Evénements Rares).

  • Involvement in several projects funded by the Conseil Regional de Bourgogne and then the Conseil Regional de Bourgogne-Franche-Comté including two PhD grants (Young Entrepreneurs), equipment (> 200 k€), two postdoctoral grants and several high-level equipments. Those projects were often co-funded with the FEDER and CPER schemes.

  • co-PI of several projects funded by the Labex Action (joint ICB - FEMTO-ST excellence program of the PIA scheme).

  • PI of an industrial contract with a local company.

  • BQR scheme of the University of Burgundy.

  • Funding of the Carnot Institute label

  • Partenariats Hubert Curien (PHC) funding for collaborations with Aston University (Alliance program) and with the University of Wroclaw (Polonium program).

Teaching related projects and fundings

  • 2020-2022 : "Licence réhaussée" project in the framework of the ISITE UBFC project in order to enhance the pedagogical content of the third year of the Licence program of the Faculty of Science and Technology of Dijon, in link with the international masters of Physics and Chemistry (140 k€)

  • Funding of several new practical works for master students (40 k€) with the help of the Conseil Régional de Bourgogne.

  • 2014-2016 : Development of a brand new lab session at the Master 2 level devoted to phase modulation, Fourier space, space-time analogy and electrooptic comb generation (funded by the Labex Action program, 16 k€)

  • Creation of a Youtube channel dedicated to research and physics education (mainly in french). More than 200 videos including a full introduction to fluid mechanics (>50 videos) and a complete course on wave optics (140 videos - > 22 hours of courses recorded).
    More than 1000 views each day, more than 16 000 hours of videos viewed in 2020 only. Since its launch in 2009, more than 2 millions views and more than 11 000 subscribers.

  • 2020 : Translation into french of the on-line pedagogical software Emanim by Andras Szilagyi that offers a nice way to visualize polarization related effects.

Local physics outreach activities

  • 2009-2022 : Many conferences for a very broad audience including young children in primary schools, teenagers in secondary schools or adults. Those conferences have been done throughout Burgundy (20 conferences in different towns of Burgundy : Dijon, Nolay, Le Creusot, Montceau-les-Mines, Sens, Montbard, Auxerre, Chatillon-sur-Seine).

  • 2005-2020 : Involvement in the scientific content of several exhibitions around the use of Light or the scientific local heritage : Claudie André-Deshays, une femme dans l’espace (Montcenis, 1996) ; Le petit atelier (Dijon, 2005) ; Sadi Carnot – vers la maîtrise de l’énergie (Nolay, 2013) ; Lumière à l’ICB (Dijon, 2015) ; Le monde entier connait Henri Navier, scientifique dijonnais (Dijon, 2016) ; Mouvement, la science prend son élan (Dijon, 2017) ; Résomes (Dijon, 2020)

  • 2020 : Organization of the exhibition 'Etincelles de Lumière' held in Sennecey les Dijon dealing with examples of Light Painting. The visit of the exposition by children from 7 to 10 years old has been the opportunity to demonstrate several applications of Light and color in the everyday life.

  • Interviews for several local radio programs and for several articles in the local press.

  • Frequent contribution to the wikipedia encyclopedia. My main contribution has been in terms of illustration with more than 6000 uploaded photos. Most of them deal with french local architectural heritage, but more than 100 illustrations are dealing with physics and optical technologies.

  • since 2010 : involvement in the promotion of the scientific heritage of the physics department.

  • 2015 : Coordinator of the Year of Light for the ICB lab in the context of the Labex Action (2x15€ budget)