Why should you care??

If you are taking this class, hopefully you see some value in the study of space. But just in case you need some convincing, here is your first assignment to really get your wheels turning.

You will be presenting on August 27!

DAY 1: Tuesday August 18

  • Today you will be researching your topic and finding some good, credible sources. There are TONS of bogus astronomy sites, most focused on psuedo-science and conspiracy theories.
    • one of my goals for you is to be critical consumers of scientific information, including being able to week through all of the junk out there.
  • Each person should find at least 3 sources. You will need to read them at home.



You will be choosing a topic within astronomy and researching it, adding to the collaborative document. You will be presenting next class.

  • your group must make a copy of the doc, complete and add to the class folder. Failure to do so will result in a zero.
why should you care