Impact sites on Earth

10/18/19 Honors-Google Earth instructions at bottom of page

Has Earth been hit by impacts? Where is the evidence, and why don't we see it? Spend some time perusing the awesomeness of Google Earth to investigate for yourselves.

Global meteor impact sites

Your task:

  • What patterns do you see in distribution?
    • If your screen gets too messy with place names, remove layers.
  • Examine three CONFIRMED craters (see the legend)
    • Identify where they are, what they are called
  • Describe based on the information
  • Describe based on the picture

Impact Craters

Asteroid impacts on Jupiter over the past 20+ years serve as a reminder that the solar system is an active and dynamic place. Crater evidence shows that during the first billion years or so of solar system history, asteroids were regularly bombarding planetary bodies at a devastating rate. On some bodies – for instance, Earth’s Moon, or the planet Mercury – the evidence of billions of years of impacts is highly visible, because these bodies have very little weathering or active geology.

The Moon sports a wealth of craters. Among the most prominent are Tycho and Copernicus craters. Both complex craters are visible in binoculars. Copernicus (upper left center) is ~93 km across and Tycho is slightly smaller diameter at 85 km (large rayed crater near the bottom center). These are examples of complex craters that show a distinctive central peak.

• Our understanding of the role of asteroid impacts in solar system history is relatively new. Planetary exploration missions over the past 50 years have revealed the extent of cratering throughout the solar system. Scientists are able to estimate the age of these craters, which allows them to estimate the rate of cratering over time. They surmise that the impact flux during that first billion years or so of heavy bombardment was at least a 100 times higher than the present rate.

• Recent planetary missions have shown that impacts do, indeed, continue to occur. Here are some “before and after” pictures showing new impact craters on the Moon and Mars, formed within the past 10 years. The Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter took this first set of pictures, and the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter took this second set of pictures.

On 17 March 2013, a bright flash was observed on the Moon (near Mare Imbrium; 20.6° North, 336.1° East). NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) acquired ‘before and after’ images. The ‘before’ image on the left was snapped on 12 February 2012 and the ‘after’ image on the right on 28 July 2013. The resulting impact left a crater ~18 meters across.

This impact on Mars occurred between 27 and 28 March 2012 and was first seen by the Mars Color Imager (MARCI) instrument on the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO). These images from the Context Camera (CTX) on the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) show a clearer view of two fresh craters (inscribed rectangle).

This image from MRO’s High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) camera, obtained on 9 May 2014, shows the new double crater. The larger crater is ~48.5 meters across and is the largest and newest known impact crater in the solar system.

We’ve also been recording instances of recent asteroid collisions with Earth – this map shows at least 556 collisions of small asteroids with Earth from 1994-2013. The map shows that small asteroids, with sizes of only a few meters, hit the atmosphere and disintegrate with surprising frequency - around every other week. The color of a dot indicates whether the impact occurred during daylight or nighttime hours, and the size of a dot indicates how much energy was released by the impact. Keep in mind that Earth’s atmosphere does a good job of protecting us from these small objects, while the Moon and Mars don’t have a similar sort of protective shield.

This diagram plots data gathered from 1994-2013 on small asteroids that impacted Earth’s atmosphere and disintegrated to create very bright meteors, technically called ‘bolides’ and more commonly referred to as ‘fireballs.’ The sizes of the orange dots (daytime impact events) and the blue dots (nighttime impacts) are proportional to the energy released in the impact and show the location of impacts from objects ~1 to 20 meters in size.

While we know that small asteroid impacts with Earth are not unusual, the risk of future, possibly larger, impacts is not to be taken lightly. "The aim is to find potentially hazardous asteroids before they find us," as asteroid expert Don Yeomans has said.

Every day, Earth is bombarded with more than 100 tons of dust and sand-sized particles from space. About once a year, an automobile-sized asteroid hits Earth's atmosphere, creating a spectacular fireball (bolide) event as the friction of Earth's atmosphere causes them to disintegrate.

Studies of Earth's history indicate that about once every 5,000 years or so, on average, an object the size of a football field hits Earth and causes significant damage. Once every few million years, on average, an object large enough to cause regional or global disaster impacts Earth.

Bolide over the Gulf of Mexico as seen from the ISS (Expedition 30) in March 2013. Thunderstorms and lightning can be seen over the Florida peninsula.

Most terrestrial impact craters have been obliterated by weathering and geological processes. Meteor Crater near Winslow, Arizona, is one spectacular example of a crater that remains very visible. It was created by the impact of an estimated 50-meter sized asteroid about 50,000 years ago. This feature, 1.2 kilometers (almost a mile) in diameter, is the first that scientists recognized as an impact crater.

Aerial view of Meteor Crater near Winslow, Arizona. This crater is ~1.2 km in diameter and ~170 meters deep. The crater is the result of an impact of a 40- to 50-meter iron-nickel asteroid roughly 50,000 years ago. The rim of Meteor Crater rises some 45 meters above the surrounding plain. However, since the crater first formed, erosional processes have reduced the height of the rim. Meteor Crater has remained so well-preserved to this day due to the relatively young geological age of the crater coupled with the arid climate of the region. The relative lack of erosion led to this feature to be recognized as the first crater made by a celestial body.

Meteor Crater, Arizona imaged from the International Space Station (during Expedition 44). The squarish, box-like appearance from above may be the result of geological features at the impact site.

Since Meteor Crater was identified, aerial and space-based observations and subsurface excavations have discovered a total of 188 craters on Earth, so far. We’re still looking.

The morphology, or form, of impact craters differs depending on size. Smaller impact craters, up to 4 kilometers in diameter, have a bowl-shaped form – like Meteor Crater. We call them simple structures. Complex impact craters, 4 kilometers or larger in diameter, have central uplifted features in the form of peaks or rings, and slumped rims. These two basic types of crater morphology have been observed throughout the solar system, including on Earth.

Cross-sectional morphology of a simple crater. Meteor Crater (shown above) is an example of a simple crater.

Cross-sectional morphology of a complex crater. Depending on the planetary body’s gravity and the impactor’s size, velocity at impact and composition, the collapse and modification of the cavity excavated may result in a complex crater showing a central peak or ring. Aristarchus Crater on the Moon shows a distinctive central peak.

LRO image of Tycho Crater clearly shows the central peak and a broad ‘flattened’ floor surrounded by slumped, terraced walls. Surveyor 7 landed just northward the crater rim.

Gosses Bluff Crater in located in the southern part of Australia’s Northern Territory and is representative of a complex crater on the Earth. Approximately 3 km across, this is actually the inner ring remnant of the original crater. Earth’s erosional processes have erased the outer rim, which probably would have been ~20 km in diameter. Expedition 44 crew photographed Gosses Bluff in 2015.

These are the double Clearwater Lakes Craters in northern Quebec, Canada, just east of the Hudson Bay, photographed by STS-96 (Discovery) in June 1999. Clearwater Lake West shows a ring of islands that measures ~10 km across. As with Gosses Bluff, this feature represents the central uplifted area, covered by impact melts. Clearwater Lake East also has a central peak, but it is submerged below the water.

You may have heard of the Cretaceous-Tertiary impact event which produced the buried 180-kilometer-diameter Chicxulub impact structure in the Yucatan region of Mexico around 65 million years ago. This impact is believed to have caused global-scale environmental effects that led to the extinction of the dinosaurs.

The Chicxulub Crater is mostly underwater just off the Yucatan Peninsula. It measures some 180 km across and nearly 20 km deep. From rim to rim, the diameter of this crater is roughly the distance from Austin to Houston, Texas. It is the third largest confirmed impact structure on Earth.


A gravity anomaly map of the Chicxulub Crater area superimposed on the Yucatan Peninsula shows areas of mass concentrations (i.e., the yellow and red areas are ‘gravity highs’ whereas the green and blue areas are ‘gravity lows’). The aftermath of the impact led to the extinction of about 75% of all species on Earth.

Based on estimates of the rate of cratering on Earth over its 4.5 billion year lifetime, scientists have determined that impacts as large as the Cretaceous-Tertiary event have occurred, and may continue to occur, every 50 million to 100 million years. Smaller impact events occur more frequently. Inevitably, an impact will occur that will cause local, regional, or even global damage. We just can’t predict exactly when such an impact will occur without having a complete catalog of all objects passing near the Earth’s orbit.

This is why we care about planning for planetary defense. What planetary defense is all about is developing all the capabilities we need to detect the possibility of potential asteroid impacts with Earth, warn of predicted impacts, and then either prevent them or mitigate their possible effects.

The International Space Station completes one orbit of Earth every 90 minutes. ISS is at an orbital inclination of 51.6° with respect to the equator, enabling the station to pass over vast swaths of our planet. Manicouagan Crater, located in the Côte-Nord region of Quebec (51° 23’ north and 68° 42’ west), was created when a ~5 km diameter asteroid impacted the planet roughly 215 Myr ago. Manicouagan is a multi-ring structure, 100 km across, making it the sixth largest confirmed impact crater on Earth.

Meteor Crater taken by Expedition 38 crew. North is to the upper right. I-40 highway nearly bisects the image. Winslow, Arizona is located at the bottom center of the image. The object that excavated the crater about 50,000 years ago had an iron-nickel composition and was roughly 50 meters in size.

Roter Kamm Crater in Namib Desert, southern Namibia as imaged by Expedition 38. The crater is ~2.5 km in diameter and was formed perhaps ~4 to 5 million years ago. The crater is about 130 meters deep but, sand has filled the crater floor.

Expedition 40 views Shoemaker Crater.

Part 3a: Google Earth Impact Craters

October 18 2019, First check if your computer HAS Google Earth installed. If so-you can just click the link in step 2. Please let me know via email if you CANNOT add this

Download Google Earth Pro, Desktop Version

1. Click here for link

2. Click here to add in the file for impact sites

3. Under temporary places on the left, click Earth Impact Crater Databases 2015