Introducing ... Dr. Penguin!

Ringmaster, Magician, Comedian, and MC - Extraordinaire!

Dr. Penguin was so helpful to us in stage-managing "Small Wonders"

Without his experience and willing assistance, we would have been in trouble!

With Michael Jackson in 1987!

Dr. Penguin has performed all over the planet, from the Olympics and Paralympics in Beijing 2008 to major rock shows (U2, Stevie Wonder, Michael Jackson, Annie Lennox, TOTO, etc) to high society and royalty (the Royal Families of the UK, Brunei, Thailand, Nepal, Bhutan, Malaysia, Denmark et al) and even major political events like APEC.

Dr. Penguin performs his own special brand of Comedy Magic, one of the original "Bad Boys of Magic" he developed his style of interactive comedy from a combination of studies with great theatre icons such as Jacque Le Coq, and Marcel Marceau in Paris to La Mama in New York. After graduating from UC Santa Cruz, in 1976 he set off to tour the world for 6 months, which ended up becoming a lifelong pursuit! He worked festivals and the streets of Europe getting a grip on interaction through different languages and cultures. This led him to creating "The Magic Circus" which toured Europe, North Africa, and overland to Asia.

Other venues included his talents as a consultant and performer for the Singapore Zoo, the Jurong Bird Park (Singapore), Safari World (Thailand), Ocean World (Taiwan), and Xintiandi (Shanghai). Dr. Penguin developed safe and friendly "Magic Shows" with animals, mammals and birds.

He has organized Children's Arts festivals and events in Singapore, Bangkok, Phuket, Bali, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Sydney, Perth, Copenhagen, Kathmandu, New Delhi, Goa, Penang, Amsterdam, Phnom Penh, Saigon, and even Papua New Guinea!

More on Dr Penguin here!