Choir FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions about Joining Choir:

There are so many classes from which to choose, why should I keep singing at CHS?

Well, first of all, because you love it!  The enjoyment of singing and performing is not something which all people possess; if you have this love, we have a place for you to share it with others who feel the same way.  While we work hard in CHS choirs, we also have a great deal of FUN making music together every day.  The opportunity to join with other like-minded singers and make great music together will have an amazingly positive impact on your life- if you’re already singing in choir, you already know this! 

Second, by singing in choir at CHS, you’ll open the door to a variety of great opportunities.  All our choirs sing a diverse selection of music throughout the year, exploring a variety of time periods as well as differing musical styles and genres.  All choir members have the option to participate in the CHS Madrigal Dinner, an exciting performance opportunity during the holiday season which few high schools offer.  In addition, our advanced groups travel frequently, performing in festivals and competitions throughout the school year.  Performing in a choral group also fulfills the CHS fine arts requirement, and all students have the ability to earn a high grade in choir by meeting simple course expectations... this can be very beneficial to your GPA if you have a strong academic course load.

What is the difference between the show choirs and the stand up choirs at CHS?

There are a number of important similarities between the two types of choirs at the high school, both types of groups learn great repertoire, participate in several performances throughout the year, study and learn about music each day, and have the opportunity to grow and share with their peers.  Members of our concert choir groups focus on these activities throughout the school year. 

Our show choirs take part in all of these activities, and also participate in the advanced study of performance techniques for commercial music and movement during weekly after-school rehearsals.  Members of the show choirs give numerous performances in the Duneland area, and have frequent opportunities to represent CHS at competitive festivals throughout the Midwest and beyond.

Can I participate in choir and still do other activities?

Of course, participation in our choral groups is not exclusive, and our members are involved with many extracurricular activities and organizations including fall sports, National Honor Society, speech and debate, CHS theater productions, marching band, orchestra, academic team, Natural Helpers, and student government, among others.  We always work with other coaches and advisors to ensure that students may participate in multiple activities without conflict.  There may be limitations to the extent which you may participate in certain clubs and organizations due to direct conflicts with our performances, but we have no policies which prohibit membership in any other CHS activity.

Can I make choir fit into my schedule and still graduate with honors?

Yes!  We have many students who are able to actively participate in our advanced ensembles while still maintaining very high academic marks.  In fact, many of our students participate in choral groups throughout their high school career and still graduate with a variety of the academic honors which may be obtained at CHS.

Furthermore, it’s important to note that colleges and employers are very interested in students who maintain strong academic marks while also participating in extracurricular activities, particularly the arts.  Many academic scholarships specifically request information about a student’s participation in other clubs and organizations.  Learning to balance participation in choir with your other commitments can be a great opportunity to develop skills in organization, time management, and prioritizing your obligations; these are real-world skills which all people must possess for success, regardless of the venue.

Do I need dance experience to join Drifters or Sandpipers?

While some students come to these groups with a background in movement and dance, most do not.  As long as you have two feet and are willing to work hard, we’ll teach you… it’s what we’re here for!  If you think you’d be a good candidate for a show choir group at CHS, you’re probably right.  We have found that a student’s personality, work ethic, and willingness to try new things will have a much greater impact on their success in these groups than any previous training or experience.  

What are the costs associated with participation in the high school choirs?

This varies from group to group, and year to year.  All students enrolled in a CHS choir pay a minimal textbook/materials fee for the purchase of music and classroom materials.  The concert choirs generally have little to no additional cost.  There is a participation fee for membership in the show choirs, but we have a highly organized parent booster group which helps provide many fundraising opportunities throughout the year to help offset this fee.  Many students end up paying only a small portion of the fee, or even nothing at all, due to their fundraising efforts.  In addition, we have financial aid available for those who need further assistance.  

We work with ALL families to ensure that a student’s participation in our show choirs is not financially prohibitive… if you are interested in auditioning for these groups and have any concerns the about financial aspects of membership, please contact the director ASAP so we may show you the ways in which we can help you offset the participation fee!