All Saints Church, Weston - Guidebook

To Celebrate "175 Years of All Saints!"

I produced a Guidebook for All Saints' Church in Weston, near Crewe, Cheshire, to celebrate the Church's 175th Anniversary, which took place on Sunday 13th September 2015.

The Guidebook trawls through the history of the site and the Church, expanding on many of its unique features, monuments, some of its associated people, as well as buildings linked with the Church, and the Church Services. It is accompanied by colour photographs, a few maps and extracts throughout.

The celebration was an excellent occasion, with the history of the building and associated photos, pictures and information dotting the walls of the Victorian Church, as an Archive Exhibition. A special service was held, with hymns, music, recitals and prayers, as well as Communion for all. A street barbecue followed, with a bouncy castle, children's games and the like. The Reverend even got locked into a specially made stocks and soaked with water!

The Event was well attended with the pews full, and many stayed or arrived for the festivities afterwards, and we all celebrated together as a community.

All Saints 175th Anniversary

"All Saints Guidebook" will be available for sale soon in the village of Weston.

The Guidebook has been jointly printed and published by 'All Saints Church, Weston' and The (F.O.A.L.S.) 'Friends of All Saints' Charity to raise funds for the repair, upkeep, renovation and restoration of the All Saints Church building.

All Saints Church also has a Website @