Video Presentations

Charging Cycles - Circuits

Inasmuch that mainstream acceptance of EV’s has got to be somewhat driven by commonality and the web is well populated with test drive videos and great journey videos. My project for this summer is videos featuring the destination, with the EV as an ancillary device.

Fitting into a few broad categories:

Parking - State and County Parks

Booking - Libraries

Gunning - Gun Ranges

Donuts - Donut Shops

Outlets - Outlet Malls

And any other double entendres that apply…

Rejuvenate the “Sunday Drive” in an “Unplug and see the World” kind of catch line. Plus calculating the fuel cost savings as some kind of tip, donation or purchase as the destination allows.

Intro the destination

Intro the bikes as function of determining the route and range

Unplug, close grommet

Gear on (at least last zipper)

Ride to destination

Voiceover reviewing the basics of the destination.

At Destination

Oh yeah - 360 video of the site. And more details.

Return ride

Voiceover of review of site.

(Might stop at local restaurant)

Gear off (at least hanging last bit)

Plug in

Remaining range discussion and stats as wrap up.