Math Readiness

  • Practice counting objects using one-to-one correspondence by counting objects, such as M&M's, cheerios, blocks, toys, etc.

  • Practice rote counting.

  • Play board games, such as Candy Land and Chutes and Ladders.

  • Play card games such as UNO.

  • Play Number Memory.

  • Play Number BINGO.

  • Play Shape BINGO.

  • Put numbers 1-10 in order using magnetic numbers.

  • Put things in order from smallest to biggest.

  • Roll play-dough into snakes, and then form into shapes.

  • Draw shapes on paper.

  • Parents can draw dots on paper to form a shape. Then the child can connect the dots to create the shape.

  • Go on a shape hunt. There are shapes everywhere in our homes.

  • Sort items, such as socks, silverware, toys, miscellaneous items. Count the items. After the items are sorted, identify which pile has more than or less than.

  • Do simple patterns with your child.