Alphabet Practice / Reading Readiness

  • Sing the alphabet while washing hands. This will also promote good hand washing skills. When singing the alphabet, remember to separate l-m-n-o-p.

  • Do magnetic letter searches.

  • Use wipe-n-wipe markers to trace over laminated letters.

  • Connect the dots to form letters.

  • Play Alphabet BINGO.

  • Play ABC Memory game.

  • Say the letters in your name.

  • Put letters in alphabetic order.

  • Match lowercase letters to uppercase letters.

  • Use magnetic letters to make your name.

  • Make a puzzle with your name. Print your name on cardboard. Cut it apart. Mix the letters up and then put it back together.

  • Recognize letters in the environment by pointing out letters on cereal boxes, signs, cards, candy wrappers, restaurant signs, food containers, etc.

  • Print all of the family members' names and display them on the refrigerator. This will help children recognize and identify the names and the letters.

  • Pour a little salt in a tray. Then use your pointer finger to print your name and other letters in the salt.

  • Roll play-dough into a snake. Then form letters with it.


    • Point to the words as you read from left to right.

    • Take time to look at and talk about the pictures.

    • Talk about what happened in the story.

    • Ask your child questions about the story.

    • Discuss what happened in the beginning, middle, and end of the story.