Tokyo Interest Group in Translation and Translation Process Research

In order to foster research in translation, researchers from CRITT, Tokyo University and the National Institute of Informatics (NII), Tokyo, have initiated an interest group to discuss topics in the wider context of translation, translation process studies and translation automation. The idea is to present research in a small context, to find some overlap and synergy possibilities between researchers and research topics and to develop collaboration effects between interested parties. Meetings are scheduled approximately every third month.

  • A working group during Feb. and March has public meetings on March 3 and March 24, 2016

  • The third meeting took place on Nov. 30, 2015

  • The second took place on September 15, 2015.

  • The first meeting took place on June 2nd, 2015

TTTPR working group

A TTTPR working group will meet between Feb. and March 2016 and has invited Dr. Masaru Yamada (Kansai University, Osaka), Dr. Moritz Schaeffer (University of Mainz, Germany) and Dr. Isabel Lacruz (Kent State University, USA) for exchange and collaboration on selected themes in translation process research. An initial meeting is scheduled for March 3rd to brainstorm and plan the themes and topics to be elaborated on in the following three weeks. A final meeting is planned for March 24 to present and wrap-up the results of the working group.

The meetings take place at the National Institute of Informatics (Hitotsubashi) on:

  • 24th March (Thursday), Room 2006 (13:00-17:00).

  • 3rd March (Thursday), Room 2010 (13:00-16:00).

Everyone is welcome. Participation is free of costs.

Third TTTPR meeting

Date & Time: November 30, 2015, 14:00 - 17:00

Venue: University of Tokyo Graduate School of Education / Faculty of Education, room 267


Everyone is welcome. Participation is free of costs.

Second TTTPR meeting

Date & Time: September 15, 2015, 14:00 - 17:00

Place: 2006 Seminar Room, National Institute of Informatics (Hitotsubashi)


Everyone is welcome. Participation is free of costs.

First TTTPR meeting

Open seminar on translation and translation technologies

[Morning session (open seminar) ] 10:00-12:00


東京大学教育学研究科/教育学部 第一会議室

Faculty of Education, The University of Tokyo (Meeting Room 1)

●Talk 1:Methods, Insights and Prospects of Empirical Translation Process Research

Speaker: Professor Michael Carl

Talk 2: Crowdsourcing Post-Editing for Rugby World Cup 2019

Speaker: Professor Tony Hartley

Talk 3: MNH-TT: A Platform to Support Collaborative Translator Training

Speaker: Professor Kyo Kageura


[Afternoon session (informal discussion) ] 13:00-18:00


東京大学教育学研究科/教育学部 267(ゼミ室)

Faculty of Education, The University of Tokyo (Room 267)

Presenters: NN1, NN2 (Kageura-Lab)

Yamaya, Kido, Christopher (Aizawa-Lab)