IATIS 2018 workshop

Integrating Written and Spoken Translation Production in the CRITT TPR-DB

TIME: 2 July 2018 (Monday), 13:00-17:30



Michael Carl (Renmin University of China)

Masaru Yamada (Kansai University)

Silvia Hansen-Schirra (Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz)

Moritz Schaeffer (Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz)

Kayo Matsushita (Rikkyo University)

Eye-tracking and keyboard logging techniques have become established methods in translation process research and a number of interesting and sometimes surprising findings have been reported over the past decade. More recently, technologies have been developed that allow records of spoken translation (sight translation and interpretation) to be transcribed, analyzed and compared with records of written translation production. The comparison of independent, multi-modal behavioral data streams (reading, writing, hearing, speaking) is a challenging task that requires novel methods and an advanced technological framework for data analysis, but promises deeper insights into the human translation processes which allow for better grounded and more general theories of the translation process. With the integration of multi-modal data streams it will be possible to investigate universal cognitive processes in spoken and written translation production and reception as well as contrasts resulting from orality and literacy.

This workshop builds on the success of an earlier workshop "Empirical Translation Process Research with Translog-II" at IATIS 2015. It introduces novel methods for recording and transcribing spoken language and how it can be aligned with gaze and keystroke data. The aim is to outline the components of the technological framework and to demonstrate in practical hands-on sessions how spoken data records can be obtained and processed in conjunction with the available legacy in the Translation Process Research Database (TPR-DB).


13:00 - 15:00 Recording Speech Data with Translog-II (slides)

13:00 Introduction and overview (Michael Carl)

13:10 Recording a sight translation session with Translog-II (Michael Carl)

13:50 Recording an interpretation session with Translog-II (Masaru Yamada)

14:40 Analyzing speech data with the CRITT TPR-DB (Michael Carl)

15:00 - 15:30 Tea Break

15:30 - 17:30 Case Studies with Speech Data

15:30 The effect of translation difficulty on eye movement behavior during written translation, sight translation and simultaneous interpretation (Moritz Schaeffer, slides)

16:10 Sight translation for a training purpose: Case analysis translating English into Japanese (Masaru Yamada, slides)

16:50 Expanding the horizon of Corpus-based Interpreting Studies: New possibilities for analyzing simultaneous interpreting data (Kayo Matsushita, slides)

17:10 Discussion and wrap up

IATIS website: https://www.iatis.org/index.php/6th-conference-hong-kong-2018/item/1644-pre-conference-workshop

list of participants