K-1 Concert Songs
It looks like we will not be performing our K-1 Concert this year. I know many students have been practicing, so feel free to record a video of yourself singing one of these songs and email it to me.

Kindergarten Packet
Below are the Kindergarten coloring pages that were sent home. Feel free to take photos and send them to me.

MusicPlay Online Songs
Denise Gagne has made this resource available to students and teachers during the outbreak (see the link below). Student Login is snow, password is 2020. Login and click on the Kindergarten tab. On the left side of the screen there is a list songs with which students can sing along. Many songs have practice videos available in the middle of the screen.
Here is a list of suggested songs:
17. Dr. Knickerbocker
33. Alphabet Action
34. Brush Your Teeth
41. Sambalele
47. Rainbow World
58. Germs
79. Button Factory (See the Kids Demo under Movies for actions)
117. Move to the Drum 1 (Movement activity)
120. Tingalayo
127. Easter is Here
129. Color the Eggs
135. If All the Raindrops
157. Listen to the Water
Please share videos of songs that you have learned.
French Songs
Savez-vous plantez les choux?
This is a French song about planting cabbage. It also teaches French vocabulary for parts of the body. We were going to learn and perform it at our concert. Instead, it would be fun to learn and perform it for your families at home.
To access a recording and lyrics, visit MusicPlay Online (see the link and login information above). This song is listed as a Grade 1 song, but because it is repetitive, I think students at this level will be able to learn it.
Once you are logged in, click on the Grade 1 tab at the top of the screen. There will be a box to the left of the screen that lists the songs that are available. Select song number 100. In the middle of the screen there is a box titled "Movies". Play the notation video and listen to the song a number of times to get comfortable with the tune. Then select "Lyrics" at the top of the "Movies" box. This video shows only the words and will be easier to follow. The words are also translated with pictures. Add your own actions pointing to the body parts used to plant cabbage. Feel free to share a video of you singing the song with me at
Below are some rough translations:
Plantez= plant
Les choux= cabbage
Pieds= feet
Genou= knee
Mains= hands
Nez= nose
Coude= elbow
Chante l'arc-en-ciel
This is a beautiful piece that was originally made popular in English by Peggy Lee. The original text is as following:
Red and yellow and pink and green
Purple and orange and blue
I can sing a rainbow
Sing a rainbow
Sing a rainbow too
Listen with your eyes
Listen with your eyes
And sing everything you see
I can sing a rainbow
Sing a rainbow
Sing along with me
Attached are the lyrics in French, translated by Madame Hodder, along with a recording. If you are interested in accessing a recording of the background music, login into the Kindergarten Music Google Classroom, or send me an email. Enjoy learning this piece together! If you get a chance to record it, please share it with me!

Music ABC's
Playing the Music ABC's is a fun way to make music that will be unique to everyone who plays. Encourage your family members to join you. See the file below for instructions.