Grade 3

Grade 2-3 Digital Concert

Watch our digital concert (see below). Many of you were unable to attend these recordings, but the video will help you to remember the songs that we were practicing. Think about things you did well while practicing for the concert, and things that you will try to improve (do better) next time. Complete the concert evaluation below.

2-3 Concert Evaluation.pdf

Grade 3 Packet

Attached is the work packet that was sent home. Completed sheets can be scanned and emailed to me (, or dropped off at the school on between 10:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. or 1:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. (weekdays).

Below I have included a tutorial video on how to complete the rhythm composing sheets.

Grade 3 Packet.pdf

MusicPlay Online Songs and Games

Denise Gagne has made this resource available to students and teachers during the outbreak (see below). Student Login is snow, password is 2020. Login and click on the Grade 3 tab. On the left side of the screen there is a list songs with which students can sing along. Many songs have practice videos available in the middle of the screen.

Here are some suggested songs:

3. Nothing

11. Shake the Papaya (This is a great opportunity for students to practice improvising. They could use any instruments you have at home or create their own. Body percussion would also work. Reference the kids demos under movies for an example).

32. Bonhomme, Bonhomme (Canadian French Folk)

50. Donkeys Love Carrots (Look at the kids demo under movies. Students can practice their round singing skills).

62. Austrian Went Yodelling (Reference the kids demo for actions)

63. Donkey Riding (Canadian Folk Song)

81. Waltzing Matilda (Australian Folk Song)

82. Didgeridoo (for listening interest)

Submit videos of yourself singing some of these songs. I would love to view and assess them.

There are also many music games to reinforce the musical skills we have learned in class on this website. Two examples are "Which Rhythm Do You Hear?" (Levels 1-6) and "Match the Melody" (Levels 1-10).