Grade 4

Grade 4 Choral Pieces

It doesn't look like we'll have the opportunity to perform our choral pieces together as a class group in the near future. I know many of you have been practicing, so I wanted to encourage you to record and submit yourself singing one or two of our choir pieces. Below are the practice videos and lyric sheets. Remember that 4J sings Part 1 and 4W sings Part 2.

Obwisana Chart.pdf
Play Ball!.pdf

Grade 4 Packet

Below is the Grade 4 work packet that was sent home. Completed packets can be emailed to me (, or dropped off at the school on between 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. on weekdays.

Grade 4 Packet.pdf

MusicPlay Online Songs and Games

Denise Gagne has made this resource available to students and teachers during the outbreak (see link below). Student Login is snow, password is 2020. Login and click on the Grade 4 tab. On the left side of the screen there is a list songs with which you can sing along. Many songs have practice videos available in the middle of the screen.

Here is a list of suggested songs:

18. Cheki Morena (This is a great opportunity for students to practice improvising. They could use any instruments you have at home or create their own. Body percussion would also work. They are to improvise for 16 beats in between sung sections).

33. Two Canadian Folk Songs (When the song splits into two parts, students can decide which part they would like to sing. They could even switch parts the second time through- just for fun!)

39. Sarasponda (Look at the Kids Demo under Movies to see accompanying stick game)

46. Forty Below

48. Didgeridoo (Song for listening, would be a fun instrument to research)

63. Highland Pipes (Song for listening)

70. Toembaii

84. Flunky Jim

92. Steel Drums (Song for listening)

Submit videos of yourself singing some of these songs. I would love to view and assess them.

This resource also features a variety of music games for you to explore, including "Which Rhythm Do You Hear?" (Levels 1-8) and "Match the Melody" (Levels 1-10).