Other Presentations

Round Tables

  1. Panelist. Round table on Machine Translation and Professional Translation. XV ASETRAD Conference. Zaragoza (Spain), 19 May 2018.

Guest Talks

  1. Invited speaker: Machine Translation as an Academic Writing Aid. University of Gothenburg (Sweden). 22 November 2018.
  2. Invited speaker: Translating crisis: Translation in disaster preparedness and relief seminar at the University of Auckland (New Zealand). Talk on Ethics in crisis translation. 26 March 2018.
  3. Guest talk at the University of Auckland (Auckland, New Zealand): Ethics in crisis translation. 6 March 2018.
  4. Guest talk at the Pompeu Fabra University (Barcelona, Spain): La traducción automática como herramienta de ayuda en escritura científica. 13 December 2017.
  5. Guest talk at the Dublin Computational Linguistics Research Seminar in Trinity College Dublin (Dublin, Ireland): How good shall it be? Establishing Machine Translation quality thresholds to boost professional translators productivity. Dublin, 21 April 2017.
  6. Guest talk at Universitat Jaume I (Castellón, Spain): Traducción Automática: ¿una herramienta de apoyo para la redacción de artículos científicos? Castellón, 3 April 2017
  7. Guest talk at Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain): Traducción Automática y Posedición: ¿el enemigo de los traductores profesionales? Madrid, 20 December 2016
  8. Guest talk at Saarland University (Germany): Translators and Machine Translation: a double-edged weapon? Saarbrücken, 22 June 2016.
  9. Guest talk at the Goethe University Frankfurt: How good shall it be? Establishing Machine Translation quality thresholds to boost professional translators productivity. 30 May 2016
  10. Guest talk at the University of Bergen (Norway): Machine Translation evaluation and productivity thresholds for Machine Translation Post-Editing Tasks. Bergen, 22 April 2016
  11. Guest talk at the University of Sheffield (United Kingdom): Establishing productivity thresholds for Machine Translation Post-Editing Tasks. Sheffield, 25 February 2016.
  12. Guest talk at the University of Wolverhampton (United Kingdom): Translators and Machine Translation: a double-edged weapon? Wolverhampton, 17 February 2016.
  13. Guest talk at the University of Tübingen (Germany): Experiments on compound dictionary extraction from German-Spanish parallel corpora. Tübingen, 8 September 2014.
  14. Guest talk at the Centre for Language Technology of the University of Copenhagen (Denmark). Detection of complex translation equivalents to improve German > Spanish Machine Translation. 18 December 2013.
  15. Guest talk at RWTH Aachen University (Germany). Domain-specific German Compound Splitting for SMT. 5 November 2013.
  16. Guest talk at Gjøvik University College (Norway). An Introduction to Machine Translation: History, Types and Challenges. 17 April 2013.
  17. Guest talk at the San Jorge University (Zaragoza, Spain). A brief introduction to Machine Translation for translators. 17 April 2009.

Guest Seminars

  1. Guest seminar at the University of Gothenburg (Sweden): Introduction to Machine Translation, Machine Translation Evaluation and Post-Editing. Gothenburg, 20-21 November 2018.
  2. Guest seminar at University of Zaragoza (Spain): Introducción a la traducción automática. Zaragoza, 16 May 2018.
  3. Guest seminar at Universidad de Alcalá de Henares (Spain): Traducción automática, posedición y productividad Alcalá de Henares, 21 December 2016
  4. Guest seminar at the Goethe University Frankfurt: The linguistics behind Computational Linguistics. 30 May 2016
  5. Guest seminar at the University of Zaragoza (Spain): La profesión del traductor: traducción automática y posedición. Zaragoza, 3 May 2016
  6. Guest seminar at the University of Wolverhampton (United Kingdom): Terminology Extraction: Using Wikipedia and Wiktionary to extract bilingual dictionaries. Wolverhampton, 14 March 2016.
  7. Guest seminar for La XARXA (Translators Association of the Autonomous Community of Valencia): "Expresiones regulares y traducción: ¡optimiza tu control de calidad!" (together with Rocío Serrano Rudilla) and "Traductores y posedición de traducción automática: ¿una amistad peligrosa?", Valencia, 12 and 13 December 2015.
  8. Guest seminar at the University of Bergen (Norway): Copyright og lisensavtaler: en balansegang (Copyright and license agreements: a balance). University of Bergen, Friday Seminar. Bergen, 20 June 2014 [Presentation together with Koenraad de Smedt and Gunn Inger Lyse].
  9. Guest seminar at the University of Bergen (Norway): German Nominal Compounds in Machine Translation Tasks into Spanish. University of Bergen, Friday Seminar. Bergen, 28 February 2014.