
Welcome to the Integrative Cardiopulmonary Physiology Laboratory at Northern Arizona University. The lab PI is Dr. JJ Duke, Assistant Professor in Biological Sciences at NAU. The lab focuses on several areas of cardiopulmonary physiology including the consequences or preterm birth, de- and re-acclimatization to moderate altitude, and basic respiratory mechanics.

Current Studies:

Assessment of respiratory mechanics in adult survivors of preterm birth (PMCH)

Goal: Quantify static and dynamic respiratory mechanics (using an esophageal balloon catheter to measure intrathoracic pressure changes) in adult survivors of preterm birth and age, sex, height, and age matched individuals born at full term.

**If interested in participating, contact Dr. JJ Duke at DukeLab928@gmail.com with subject heading "PMCH"

***If you are interested in undergraduate and/or graduate student training opportunities in the lab please email Dr. Duke at JJ.Duke@nau.edu.***

Schematic of lung diffusion. VA = alveolar ventilation, PA = alveolar PO2, Pv = mixed venous PO2, Pc = end-capillary PO2, Qc = pulmonary blood flow (from Stickland et al. Compr Physiol 2013).

Example Campbell Diagram (pressure-volume loop). Cl = compliance of the lung, CCW = compliance of the chest wall, FRC = functional residual capacity, EILV = end-inspiratory lung volume, EELV = end-expiratory lung volume (from Guenette et al. AJP Reg Compr Physiol 2009).

Integrative Cardiopulmonary Physiology Lab

Biological Sciences (bldg 21) room 234

Flagstaff, AZ 86011-5640