Ride Categories

The CVVC has decided to use the Twin Cities Bike Club as a template for our ride categories. Our adoption of these categories should ensure consistency in expectations across the region. The table below, aside from the "D" category, comes from the TCBC site and is being used with TCBC's permission.

We may deviate from these category definitions if appropriate to meet the needs of our diverse range of cyclists.

Content in the above table, aside from the "D" category, comes from the TCBC site and is being used with TCBC's permission.

Discussion: Based on examination of the above table, we anticipate that: A and A/B rides will regroup as needed (at the top of hills, at/after significant intersections), but ride leaders will maintain the specified minimum average speed except when conditions make this unreasonable (length, hills, weather). B rides will regroup as appropriate, and will be more vigilant about ensuring riders are keeping up or are comfortable branching from the group. B/C rides will be still more supportive, while C and D rides will be 100% no-drop.

CVVC will endeavor to offer rides in the categories that reflect our various riders' goals and skills on a regular basis. We hope that by posting these ride category definitions and conforming to them when on the road, we will make it possible for cyclists to choose the ride category that provides the best match for their own goals and skills.