
Instructions to Conference Organizers

We publish high quality conference proceedings in various formats at a very competitive price. All publications will have an ISBN issued by Library and Archives Canada. We will initiate the process to submit the proceedings to indexing collections, such as EI Compendex, as requested by the organizers. We take due diligence to meet the international publishing standards. However, final acceptance by the indexing collections will to a great extent depend on the technical quality of the conference and the articles. We strongly suggest organizers discuss with us in advance and work together throughout the process before and during the conference.

The organizers need to submit all final accepted manuscripts in Word format in sufficient time prior to the conference date in order for the publisher to complete editing, (printing if required), and delivering the proceedings to the conference site in time. We require at least two months time for printed proceedings, or one month time for e-proceedings on USB or CD-ROM. A manuscript should be submitted to the publisher as soon as it is accepted.

We normally recommend one copy of proceedings for each registered attendee. However to be cost effective, a minimum of one hundred copies are to be ordered for printed proceedings. Similar to printed proceedings, USB or CD-ROM proceedings will have a set of htm files for conference information and PDF files of accepted papers. Typically, these files include:

  • a customized front cover (supplied by the organizer) with symposium name, logo, ISBN (provided by the publisher);

  • conference information;

  • copyright information;

  • welcome from conference chair or preface;

  • listing of the committees;

  • listing of sponsors;

  • keynote speakers with bios and abstracts;

  • technical program sessions;

  • listing of accepted papers linked to the PDFs;

  • author index;

  • all papers in PDF.


The publication fee of conference proceedings varies and will be determined case by case. Conference organizers are encouraged to discuss with us in advance. For more details, please contact the publisher (or see fee schedule).