
Conference Manuscript Format (Organizer may design their own format. Authors should follow conference instructions in preparing manuscripts)

Manuscripts must be in English in the following format, limited to a maximum of six pages.

Software: Use MS Word (2003 or later) for text.

Page Layout: Letter size 8.5" x 11.0" (216 mm × 279.4 mm), with margin: top 0.8”, bottom 0.7” and both sides 0.75”. All text should have single line spacing. Pages should be consecutively numbered. The first page should contain title section, abstract and keywords, in one column, followed by the main text body in two columns. Include “Corresponding author: name, email and phone number” in the footer on Page 1.

(A template is available for downloading on the left side bar)

The title section should be aligned to the center and include:

Line 1 - Title (bold, 14 point size)

Line 3 - Name(s) (First name and Family name in bold, 10 point size) of author(s)

Lines 4~7 - Affiliation(s) and addresses of all author(s) identified by superscripts,

one line per affiliation in sequence.

Last line - Date of submission. Leave one blank line below this line.

Abstract (in bold), up to 300 words, single column, flush to both sides.

Keywords: 5 ~ 10 keywords. Leave one blank line below this line.

Main Text: The main body should be in two columns, 3 3/8” (85.7 mm) wide each, separated by ¼” (6.4 mm) space. The paper should be divided into sections starting with Introduction / Background. Each section should have a heading (in bold and on a separate line). If necessary, the last second section should be Acknowledgement. The last section is References.

Figures: Figures may be MS Word drawings and Excel charts, photos in TIFF or JPEG format. They must be high quality, one column or two columns wide and be numbered in sequence as they appear in the text. Labels must be legible and easy to read. A figure should be inserted immediately following the paragraph where it is first referred to. Figure caption should appear right below the figure.

Tables: All tables, one column or two columns wide, should be inserted immediately following the paragraph where it is first referred to and numbered in sequence as they appear in the text. Table caption should appear right above the table.

Font, Size and Alignment: All text should be Times New Roman in 10 point size and flushed to both sides, except for the title section.

References: All references should be cited in the text by the Family names and the year of publication in such format as (Smith 2009) for a single author, (Smith and Jackson 2009) for two authors and (Smith et al 2009) for more than two authors. All references are to be listed in the last section in alphabetical order by the first author's last name. Each item should have names of authors, year of publication, article title, source of reference (e.g., for journals - journal name, volume number and page numbers; for conference proceedings - conference name, location and month/year held, publisher's name, volume number and page numbers; for books - publisher's name and city, and number of pages). See examples in the template for more detail.

Submission of Manuscripts

Before submission, you must read the "Declaration by Authors". By submitting to the publisher, you are deemed to have read and fully accepted the terms and conditions. Submit your completed manuscript by email or online.