
Check your document to make sure it meets the convention guidelines prescribed in the style sheet you are using. The following guidelines address common difficulties many writers encounter when completing writing assignments.



  • Use bullets for unordered lists (when order does not matter, such as with a list of equipment).

  • Use numbers for ordered lists (when order DOES matter, such as with procedures).

Parallel Construction

If two or more ideas are parallel, they are easier to grasp when expressed in parallel grammatical form. Single words should be balanced with single words, phrases with phrases, clauses with clauses. The reader expects to see the same grammatical pattern. When the pattern is broken, the reader is distracted and the meaning may be lost. Consider the following obvious examples and revisions:

  • Incorrect: This morning I ran out of cereal, couldn't find my notebook and the bus came too early.

    • Revised: This morning I ran out of cereal, couldn't find my notebook and missed the bus.

  • Incorrect: The French, the Italians, Spanish, and Portuguese . . . .

    • Revised: The French, the Italians, the Spanish, and the Portuguese . . . .

  • Incorrect: Most people are listening to their iPods, talking on cell phones, or test preparation.

    • Revised: Most people are listening to their iPods, talking on cell phones, or studying for a test.

More complicated sentence structures also need to follow parallel construction.

  • Incorrect: Formerly, science was taught by the textbook method, while now the laboratory method is employed.

    • Revised: Formerly, science was taught by the textbook method; now it is taught by the laboratory method.

  • Incorrect: On the bus, being rowdy can result in suspension or even being permanently removed from riding privileges.

    • Revised: On the bus, being rowdy can result in suspension or even permanent removal of riding privileges.

Be aware that each element in a list must have the same structure: if you start using noun phrases, use noun phrases throughout the list; if you use sentences, use sentences throughout. For instructions, use imperative mood or commands to state each step. This idea of parallel form also affects the use of headings and subheadings.

  • Incorrect Headings: Instructions for Succeeding in College

    • How to Prepare for a Job Interview

  • Revised Headings: How to Succeed in College

    • How to Prepare for a Job Interview

Incorrect Steps:

1. Research a variety of schools.

2. Complete applications long before the deadlines.

3. The best course of action involves preparation.

Revised Steps:

1. Research a variety of schools.

2. Complete applications long before the deadlines.

3. Prepare to reapply at a later date if you do not receive immediate admission.

Notice how the third step in the revised version is not only parallel, it is more precise.