Burlingame DNA-based Ancestry

In 2003, a research study of the DNA-based ancestry of British men was conducted and it revealed the prevalence of the R1a1a Haplogroup (a chromosomal family) found across England, Scotland and Wales. See the paper

"A Y Chromosome Census of the British Isles".

In 2010, a twelfth generation descendant of Roger Burlingame (and also a descendant from Roger Burlingame's son John) submitted DNA material for ancestral analysis to a company called "23andMe". That analysis confirmed that, tracing along male lineage Y chromosome, the Burlingame male descendants of Roger Burlingame carry the R1a1a Haplogroup. Certainly, the male Burlingame lineage is European and most likely (with this Haplogroup) connected genetically to the Vikings who raided Britain from Scandanavia.

Source: "A Burlingame Family History: Ancestors and Descendant of James Graham Burlingame"; an unpublished manuscript by John Burlingame, Ph.D., Philadelphia, PA