Staff Appreciation

Staff Appreciation 

Staff Appreciation Week will take place in May. That said, it's always a wonderful idea to acknowledge our amazing staff throughout the year so we encourage you to do so with your own personal gestures. More information on Staff Appreciation Week in the Spring. 

If you need any ideas, click below for BRE Staff's Favorite Things. 

         Red Envelope Project

The Holiday Giving Project helps families conveniently express their appreciation  and gratitude to members of the BRE Faculty and Staff. This includes every single  person that works in the building! 

…the Teachers, who work diligently in and out of the classroom 

…the Cleaning Crew, who help keep our school clean 

…the Kitchen Staff, who prepare food and feed students every day 

… the Educational Aides, who keep students safe on the playground and supported in the classroom …the Office Staff, who help our children when they are sick and keep the school operational …and anyone else that you feel contributes to the health and education of our children. 

Each staff member will each receive an individual card of appreciation  with the cumulative cash gift and the names of families contributing. If you lost your fliers you can access them below.

Holiday Giving Project Flier 2023

BREA Hospitality:  Dani Atkins & Amber Jackson


School Website: