The first book and the first TEG

Post date: May 21, 2018 2:14:23 PM

Here we are... a little late this month.

From the last post I wrote, a lot of stuffs happened here at MIT.

First of all I am very happy and proud that our book on Solar Thermoelectric has been published by Springer. It was not easy, and we spent a lot of time on it, but the result is quite good, and it is worth it.

Hybrid and Fully Thermoelectric Solar Harvesting

In this book we summarized the main understandings about all the possible solutions of thermoelectric solar harvesting, trying to delineate the chances and challenges of this technology.

In the mean time also other publications are moving forward, and I am at the final step with other two papers on my project. Hopefully I will talk about it in the next post.

Regarding lab work, while the solar cells characterization i still going on, I managed to develop mine first thermoelectric generator. It was really hard, since the legs available in our lab were very small, and the soldering was not easy at all (see the picture) . However I made it, and it seem working pretty good (at least how expected). Now on the basis of what learned in the lab, I am ready to buy customized thermoelectric legs to create the optimized TEG to be hybridize with solar cells.

Finally, it almost time for conferences. At the end of June I will be back to Europe for two meetings. The first is an European Community monitoring meeting, in which I will present the progresses of my project. i am very curious to see how it is. The second will be the annual International Conference on Thermoelectric happening in Caen (France). I really looking forward to going there and meet colleagues share ideas, and setup collaborations.