After winter brake

Post date: Feb 7, 2018 3:57:04 PM

Two-three weeks already passed after my reentry at work. Here it an update of what done in these weeks.

Finally the vacuum chamber with which I am working is back in business. It took a while to make it work as before. However the program that I am writing is almost ready. I already have the two main components of it: the temperature stability part, and the IV measure part. Now I am focusing on combining the two part within an unique program, and then I will finally start measuring solar cells. I am really looking forward to it.

In the same time I am also working on an old EQE setup, to make it working again. It is not simple but it seems we are are getting some results. Fortunately I have the help of a group mate.

From a communications point of view while I am waiting for the review of my theoretical manuscript I uploaded an analysis on which I have been working for a while along with my supervisors on ArXiv ( This is actually still a work in progress, but we did not want to miss the occasion of citing this contribution in the book which we recently submitted to Springer (this is another very exiting news!!!).Hopefully after a re-editing on which I am working, we will able submit the ArXiv paper to a journal.

This year started in good way regarding publications.

Let's cross the fingers.