That the characterization begin...

Post date: Mar 19, 2018 4:51:41 PM

Here we go with this monthly (it seems that is the best I can do) update.

This month flew as usual, and I am happy to say that this time I have spent much more time in the lab. The result is that my characterization setup for measuring solar cells efficiency as a function of temperature and optical concentration is ready and works good.

I already started the characterization on various solar cells, and everything goes well. In the mean time I am trying to reaching out with some other groups to see if I can obtain other kinds of solar cells to widen the characterization.

Now that the characterization has begun I started also working on the next step, the thermoelectric generator. Talking wit former component of the nanoengineering group I was able to learn very useful information on how to perform some of the most important steps of TEGs development such us the contact selection and soldering. In these days I am calculating the right TEG layout, and I am going to perform the first tests on the soldering and TEG assembly. I am very excited for this.

In the mean time my colleagues from Italy have developed the first CGS solar cells which will be hybridized in my project, and everything seems proceeding good.

Very nice!

Here I attach a picture of the final version of the labview program of my setup, and a video of a measure in the vacuum chamber.