MRS and Lab move

Post date: Dec 14, 2017 12:43:10 AM

Finally I have got some time to write an update.

It's a pity that it took me almost a month, but I would say that it has been a pretty busy month. Thus no regrets.

The second part of November I manly worked on preparing the poster for the MRS conference, and on a manuscript that hopefully will be published soon.

Then there was the MRS. I am so happy that finally I have got the occasion to attend this famous meeting. A part from the surprise of no lunch provided (at the end I am still an italian guy) I really enjoyed the conference. I am actually not used to a such big variety of topics, and it took me a while to decide which symposiums attend. However eventually I should say that I saw some very interesting talks. I also had the occasion to talk with some big guys of my field... which is always good.

To be honest, I did not find to many people interested on my poster, but I think that it is understandable. I actually presented the study of a device, in a conference on materials. Next time I will focus more on the material part. Lesson learned.

In the same days of MRS in our lab there was a big move (and the related mess). A new instrument was installed and other setups (including the two on which I am working) had to be moved. The moving is still going on these days, and I had to stop working on the development of my setup. Hopefully I will be able to start again immediately after holidays break.

During this stop I am anyway not wasting time. Finally my theoretical paper has got the right shape that I and my PI wanted to gave to it. It is almost ready for submission.

This work which took me a lot of efforts is the ultimate basis, and framework on which i will shape my experimental work here at MIT. This is why it is so important, and why I am so happy that is done.

I will talk more on this surely in the following posts.