4) Other

Quashie N., Arpino B., Antczak R. and Mair C. (2021) Health at older ages: childless adults not always worse off than parents. N-IUSSP

Hämäläinen H. and Arpino B. (2020) Is support between parents and adult children reciprocal? N-IUSSP

Luppi F., Arpino B. and Rosina A. (2020) There is no evidence of a COVID-19 baby boom in Europe – but there is of a bust. British Politics and Policy blog

Arpino B. and Gómez-León M. (2019) Stretched to breaking point? Caregiving grandparents and depression, short article for N-IUSSP 

Arpino, B., Gumà, J., and Julià, A. (2018) Healthy ageing starts from childhood. The SHARE blog.

Bordone V. and Arpino B. (2018) Grandparenthood and Female Employment. In: Gauthier A., Kotowska I.E. and Vono de Vilhena D. (eds.) Gender (In)Equality over the Life Course. Evidence from the Generations & Gender Programme, Population Europe discussion papers n. 10 (pp. 27-31).

Bordone V., Arpino B. (2016) How old do you feel? It depends on whether you have grandchildren, short article for N-IUSSP (in English)

Vitali A. and Arpino B. (2016) The geography of female-breadwinner and equal-income couples in Europe, short article for N-IUSSP (in English).

Arpino B. and Pronzato C. (2015) Nonni e nipoti: una relazione benefica per entrambi (a parole), short article for Neodemos (in Italian)

Bordone V. and Arpino B. (2014) Do Grandparents Benefit from Grandparenting? , short article for Openpop.org (in English)

Arpino B. and Bordone V. (2012)  Il segreto per non perdere la testa? Fare la nonna!, short article for Neodemos (in Italian)

Arpino B. (2010) L’età giusta per lasciare i genitori, short article for Neodemos (in Italian)


Arpino B. (2010) In Vietnam, any additional child would make you poorer, short article for Bocconi Kwnoledge (in English)


Arpino B. (2009) Figli e nipoti sono piezze e'core, short article for Neodemos (in Italian)


Aassve A. Arpino B. and Robette N. (2009) Short report on methodology for analysing intergenerational relationships in a comparative perspective, Report for the FP7 project MULTILINKS, Work package 5, Deliverable 5.1, Project number 217523.