2) Books and book chapters

Arpino B. (Editor) (2023) Loneliness and social exclusion among older Europeans before and during the COVID-19. N-IUSSP (e-book). ISBN 978-88-32003-04-8.

Bordone, V., Hank, K., Tomassini, C. and Arpino, B. (2023) Childcare by Grandparents in the Context of Welfare State Policies. In: Daly, M., Pfau-Effinger, B., Gilbert, N. and Besharov, D.J. (Eds). The Oxford Handbook of Family Policy: A Life-Course Perspective. Oxford University Press, pp. 979-997, ISBN: 9780197518151.

Cavrini, G. , Arpino, B., Cisotto, E. and Meli, E. (2023) Famiglie e solidarietà. In: Tomassini, C. and Vignoli, D. (Eds) Rapporto sulla popolazione. Le famiglie in Italia. Forme, ostacoli, sfide. Il Mulino, pp. 235-268, ISBN: 978-88-15-38300-6.

Arpino B. (2022) Internet use and contacts with children among older Europeans. In A. Balzanella, M. Bini, C. Cavicchia, R. Verde (eds.), Book of the Short Papers SIS 2022. Pearson, Milano, ISBN 9788891932310, pp. 600-606.

Arpino B. (Editor) (2021) Care, retirement & wellbeing of older people across different welfare regimes. N-IUSSP (e-book). ISBN 978-88-32003-03-1.

Arpino B. and Bordone V. (2018) Active Ageing Typologies: A Latent Class Analysis of the Older Europeans. In: Zaidi A., Harper S., Howse K., Lamura G., Perek-Białas J. (eds) Building Evidence for Active Ageing Policies. Palgrave Macmillan, Singapore.

Bordone V. and Arpino B. (2018). Grandparenthood and Female Employment. In A. Gauthier, I. Kotowska & D. Vono de Vilhena (eds.) (2018): Gender (In)Equality over the Life Course. Evidence from the Generations & Gender Programme (Population Europe Discussion Paper 10). Berlin: Max Planck Society on behalf of the network Population Europe.

Margolis, R., and Arpino, B. (2018). The demography of grandparenthood in 16 European countries and two North American countries. In: Timonen V. (eds) Grandparenting practices around the world. Policy Press: Bristol, UK.

Arpino B., Muttarak R. and Vitali A. (2015) Comparing Living Arrangements of Immigrant Young Adults in Spain and the United States. In Can Aybek, Johannes Huinink, Raya Muttarak (eds.): Spatial Mobility, Migration, and Living Arrangements (pp. 161-187). Dordrecht: Springer International Publishing.

Arpino B. and Pronzato C. (2015) Nonni e nipoti: una relazione benefica per entrambi (a parole). In Silvana Salvini (eds.): Longevità, vecchiaia,salute (pp. 133-135). Ebook. Associazione Neodemos, ISBN 978-88-941008-8-4.

Arpino B. and Bordone V. (2015)  Il segreto per non perdere la testa? Fare la nonna. In Silvana Salvini (eds.): Longevità, vecchiaia, salute (pp. 124-127). Ebook. Associazione Neodemos, ISBN 978-88-941008-8-4.

Arpino B. (2014) Propensity score. In: Michalos AC (Ed.). Encyclopedia of Quality of Life and Well-Being Research. Springer, Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer, pp. 5124-5127, ISBN 978-94-007-0752-8.

Arpino B., Esping-Andersen, G. and Pessin, L. (2013) The diffusion of gender egalitarian values and fertility in: Gøsta Esping-Andersen (Eds.) The Fertility Gap in Europe: Singularities of the Spanish Case, “la Caixa” Welfare Projects, Social Studies Collection 36, Barcelona.

Baizan, P., Arpino B., Delclós, C.E. (2013) Public policies, gender values and fertility across European countries in: Gøsta Esping-Andersen (Eds.) The Fertility Gap in Europe: Singularities of the Spanish Case, “la Caixa” Welfare Projects, Social Studies Collection 36, Barcelona.

Arpino B. (2010) Causal inference for observational studies extended to a multilevel setting. The impact of fertility on poverty in Vietnam, Best PhD Theses in Statistics and Applications – Applied Statistics, Cleup, Padova, ISBN 978 88 6129 567 4.