1) Papers in peer-reviewed journals


Arpino, B., Bacci, S., Grilli, L., Guetto, R., and Rampichini, C. Conditioning on the pre-test versus gain score modeling: revisiting the controversy in a multilevel setting. Forthcoming in Evaluation Review. doi: 10.1177/0193841X241246833; published on-line: 15 April 2024.

Arpino, B. & Mogi, R.  Individuals’ left-right self-placement and their fertility intentions: Evidence from the European Social Survey. Forthcoming in  Statistics, Politics and Policy. doi: 10.1515/spp-2023-0038. Published on-line: 15 May 2024.

Hämäläinen, H., Tanskanen, A. O., Arpino, B., Abuladze, L., Solé-Auró, A., & Danielsbacka, M. Changes in Resources and Active Engagements: A Longitudinal Study of Volunteering Among Older Europeans. Forthcoming in The Gerontologist. doi: 10.1093/geront/gnae049. Published on-line: 20 May 2024.

Hämäläinen, H., Tanskanen, A. O., Arpino, B., Solé-Auró, A., & Danielsbacka, M.  Does transition to retirement increase frequency of volunteering? Findings from the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe.  Forthcoming in Research on Aging, doi: 10.1177/0164027524125178, published on-line: 10 May 2024.

Luppi, F., Arpino, B. and Rosina, A. (Forthcoming). Regional trends in births during the COVID-19 crisis in France, Germany, Italy, and Spain. Forthcoming in Population.

Pasqualini M., Solé-Auró A. and Arpino B.  (Forthcoming) The Partner in the Plate. The Association between Changes in Partnership Status and Protein Consumption Among Older People in Europe. Forthcoming in Ageing & Society, doi: 10.1017/S0144686X22001040, published on-line; 5 September 2022.

Solé A. and Arpino B. (Forthcoming). Gender inequalities in participation in social clubs in Europe: the role of country-level women’s empowerment . Forthcoming in Quality & Quantity. doi: 10.1007/s11135-023-01821-6, published on-line: 24 January 2024.

Tanskanen, A. O., Hämäläinen, H., Arpino, B., & Danielsbacka, M. (Forthcoming) Prosocial activity in later life: Are informal help and care associated with volunteering and charity? Forthcoming in Ageing & Society. doi: 10.1017/S0144686X22001015. First published on-line 16 September 2022.


Arpino, B. (2024). Students can encourage their grandparents to vaccinate. Nature Aging . https://doi.org/10.1038/s43587-024-00628-w.

Tammisalo, K., Danielsbacka, M., Tanskanen, A. O., & Arpino, B. (2024) . Social media contact with family members and happiness in younger and older adults. Computers in Human Behavior, 153, 108103.


Antczak R., Quashie N., Mair C. and Arpino B. (2023). Less is (Often) More: Number of Children and Health Among Older Adults in 24 Countries.  The Journals of Gerontology: Series B,78(11), 1892–1902.

Arpino, B., Bordone, V., & Di Gessa, G. (2023). COVID-19 precautionary behaviors and vaccine acceptance among older individuals: The role of close kin. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), 120 (13) e2214382120.

Arpino, B., Gumà, J., and Julià, A. (2023). Non-Standard Family Histories and Wellbeing at Older Ages.  Social Science & Medicine, 338, 116350.

Di Gessa G., Bordone V. and Arpino B. (2023) Changes in Grandparental Childcare During the Pandemic and Mental Health: Evidence From England. The Journals of Gerontology: Series B,  78(2), 319–329.

Gumà J. and Arpino B. (2023) A machine learning approach to determine the influence of specific health conditions on self-rated health across education groups.  BMC Public Health, 23, 131.

Luppi, F., Arpino, B., & Rosina, A. (2023). Motivations for changing fertility plans and behaviours during the COVID-19 pandemic in Italy.  Journal of Family Studies, 29(5), 2268-2293 .

Zanasi, F., Arpino, B. , Bordone, V.  & Hank, K. (2023) The prevalence of grandparental childcare in Europe: A research update.  European Journal of Ageing, 20(37).


Ates M., Bordone V., and Arpino B. (2022) Does grandparental childcare provision affect number, satisfaction and with whom leisure activities are done?  Ageing & Society. 42(10), 2370-2392.

Arpino, B., and Bellani, D. (2022). Juggling grandchild care and labor force participation: the effect on psychological wellbeing of older women. Frontiers in Sociology, 6: 806099.

Arpino, B., Conzo, P. and Salustri, F. (2022) I’m a survivor, keep on surviving: Early‐life exposure to conflict and subjective survival probabilities in adult life. Journal of Population Economics, 35, 471–517.

Arpino B., Le Moglie, M., and Mencarini, L. (2022) What Tears Couples Apart: An Analysis of Union Dissolution in Germany with Machine Learning. Demography. 59 (1): 161–186.

Arpino B.,  Mair C. Quashie N., and Antczak R.  (2022) Loneliness Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Are Unpartnered and Childless Older Adults at Higher Risk? European Journal of Ageing. 19, 1327–1338.

Arpino, B., Meli, E., Pasqualini, M., Tomassini, C., and Cisotto, E. (2022). Determinants of grandparents-grandchildren digital contact in Italy.  Genus, 78, 20.

Bellani D. and Arpino B. (2022) Risk tolerance and fertility. Evidence from a lottery question in ItalyJournal of Marriage and Family, 84(2), 457-475.

Bordone V. and Arpino B. (2022) Is there a rejuvenating effect of (grand)childcare? A longitudinal study on German data. The Journals of Gerontology: Series B, 77(2), 446–455.

Di Gessa G., Bordone V. and Arpino B. (2022) The role of fertility in the demography of grandparenthood: evidence from Italy.  Journal of Population Ageing,  15, 453–471.

Glaser, K.F., Albertini, M., Arpino, B. and Tomassini C. (2022) Italian grandparenthood within the European context: an introduction. Genus 78, 31.

Luppi F., Arpino B. and Rosina A. (2022) Fertility plans in the early times of the COVID-19 pandemic: the role of occupational and financial uncertainty in Italy. PLoS ONE, 17(12): e0271384.

Mogi R. and Arpino B. (2022) The association between childlessness and voting turnout in 38 countries.  Demographic Research, 47(14), 397–414.

Zanasi, F., Arpino, B., Pirani, E., & Bordone, V. (2022) Work histories and provision of grandparental childcare among Italian older women. Genus, 78, 11.

Zhang J., Fokkema T., and Arpino B. (2022) Loneliness among Chinese older adults: The role of grandparenthood and grandparental childcare by gender.  Journal of Family Issues, 43(11), 3078–3099.


Arpino, B. and Pasqualini, M. (2021) Pandemic’s effects on feelings of depression in Italy: The role of age, gender and individual experiences during the first lockdown. Frontiers in Psychology, 12: 660628.

Arpino, B., Pasqualini, M., and Bordone, V. (2021) Physically distant but socially close? Changes in non-physical intergenerational contacts at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic among older people in France, Italy and Spain.  European Journal of Ageing, 18, 185–194.

Arpino, B., Pasqualini, M., Bordone, V., and Solé-Auró, A. (2021) Older people’s non-physical contacts and depression during the COVID-19 lockdown. The Gerontologist , 61(2), 176–186.

Bellani D., Arpino B. and Vignoli D. (2021) Time discounting preferences and fertility: Evidence from Italy. Demographic Research, 44(50), 1185-1228.

Gumà J. and Arpino B. (2021) Satisfacción con la vida según la contribución a la esfera pública y privada en las parejas españolas adultas. Revista Internacional De Sociología, 79(1), e177.

Quashie N., Arpino B., Antczak R. and Mair C. (2021) Childlessness and Health among Older Adults: Variation across 5 Outcomes and 20 Countries. The Journal of Gerontology: Series B, 76(2), 348–359.

Silan M., Arpino B. and Boccuzzo, G. (2021). Evaluating inverse propensity score weighting in the presence of many treatments. An application to the estimation of the neighbourhood effect. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 91(4), 836-859.

Silan M., Boccuzzo G. and Arpino B. (2021) Matching on poset-based Average Rank for Multiple Treatments (MARMoT) to compare many unbalanced groups. Statistics in Medicine, 40(28), 6443-6458.


Arpino, B., Bordone, V., and Pasqualini, M. (2020). No clear association emerges between intergenerational relationships and COVID-19 fatality rates from macro-level analyses. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) 117(32), 19116-19121.

Arpino, B., Bordone, V., and Pasqualini, M. (2020). Reply to Dowd et al.: Dangerous to overemphasize the importance of specific COVID-19 risk factors based on (unadjusted) macro-level analyses. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) 202017464; DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2017464117.

Arpino B. and Gómez-León, M. (2020) Consequences on depression of combining grandparental childcare with other caregiving  roles. Aging & Mental Health, 24(8), 1263-1270.

Arpino B. and Luppi F. (2020) Childcare arrangements and working mothers’ satisfaction with work-family balance. Demographic Research, 42(19), 549–588.

Arpino B. and Obydenkova A. (2020) Democracy and Political Trust Before and After the Start of the Great Recession. Social Indicators Research, 148, 395–415.

Bolano D. and Arpino B. (2020) Life after death: Widowhood and volunteering gendered pathways among older adults. Demographic Research, 43 (21), 581–616.

Bordone V., Arpino B. and Rosina A. (2020) Forever young? Prevalence and correlates of feeling old, Ageing & Society, 40(8), 1669-1693.

Di Gessa G., Bordone V. and Arpino B. (2020) Becoming a grandparent and its effect on well-being: the role of order of transitions, time, and gender. The Journals of Gerontology: Series B, 75(10), 2250–2262.

Hämäläinen H., Tanskanen A.O., Danielsbacka M. and Arpino B. (2020) Short-term reciprocity between adult children and parents: A within-person investigation of longitudinal data. Advances in Life Course Research, 44, 100337.

Luppi, F. Arpino, B. Rosina, A. (2020). The impact of COVID-19 on fertility plans in Italy, Germany, France, Spain, and the United Kingdom. Demographic Research, 43, 1399–1412.


Arpino B. and Solé-Auró A. (2019) Education inequalities in health among older European men and women: the role of active aging. Journal of Aging and Health, 31(1), 185-208.

Bordone V. and Arpino B. (2019) Grandparenthood, grandparenting and depression in 18 European countries. Journal of Family Research, 31(2).

Cannas M. and Arpino B. (2019) Comparison of machine learning algorithms and covariate balance measures in propensity score matching and weighting. Biometrical Journal, 61(4), 1049-1072. 

Cannas M. and Arpino B. (2019) Matching with Clustered Data: the CMatching Package in R. R Journal, 11(1), 7-21.

Gumà J., Arpino B. and Solé-Auró (2019) Determinantes sociales de la salud de distintos niveles por género: Educación y hogar en España / Social determinants of health at distinct levels by gender: Education and household in Spain. Gaceta Sanitaria, 33(2), 127-133.

Gumà, J., Solé-Auró, A., and Arpino, B. (2019). Examining social determinants of health: the role of education, household arrangements and country groups by gender. BMC Public Health, 19(1), 699.


Arpino B., Bordone V. and Balbo N. (2018) Grandparenting, education and subjective wellbeing of older Europeans, European Journal of Ageing, 15(3), 251–263.

Arpino B., Bordone V. and Scherbov S. (2018) Smoking, education and the ability to predict own survival probabilities, Advances in Life Course Research; 37, 23-30.

Arpino B., Gumà, J. and Julià A. (2018) Early-life conditions and health at older ages: the mediating role of educational attainment, family and employment trajectories. Plos One13(4): e0195320.

Arpino B., Gumà, J. and Julià A. (2018) Family histories and the demography of grandparenthood. Demographic Research, 39(42), 1105–1150.

Arpino B. and Valk, H.A.G. de (2018) Comparing life satisfaction of immigrants and natives across Europe: The role of social contacts. Social Indicators Research; 137(3),1163–1184.

Obydenkova A. and Arpino B. (2018) Corruption and Trust in the European Union and National Institutions: Changes over the Great Recession across European States. Journal of Common Market Studies, 56(3), 594-611. 

Pessin L. and Arpino B. (2018) Navigating between two cultures: Immigrants' gender attitudes toward working women, Demographic Research, 38(5), 967-1016.


Arpino B., and Bordone V. (2017) Regular provision of grandchild care and participation in social activities, Review of Economics of the Household, 15(1), 135–174. 

Arpino B., De Benedictis L. and Mattei, A. (2017) Implementing Propensity Score Matching with Network Data: The effect of GATT on bilateral trade, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society - C, 66(3), 537–554.

Bordone V., Arpino B., and Aassve A. (2017) Patterns of grandparental childcare across Europe: the role of the policy context and working mothers’ need, Ageing & Society, 37(4), 845-873.


Aassve A., Arpino B., Balbo N. (2016) It takes two to tango: couples' happiness and childbearing, European Journal of Population, 32(3), 339–354.

Arpino B.  (2016) Matching pre-processing of split-ballot survey data for the analysis of double standards, Social Psychology Quarterly, 79(4), 397–407.

Arpino B., and Cannas, M. (2016) Propensity score matching with clustered data. An application to the estimation of the impact of caesarean section on the Apgar score, Statistics in Medicine. 35(12), 2074–2091.

Arpino B., and Mattei, A. (2016) Assessing the Causal Effects of Financial Aids to Firms in Tuscany allowing for Interference. The Annals of Applied Statistics, 10(3), 1170-1194.

Balbo N., and Arpino B. (2016) The role of family orientations in shaping the effect of fertility on subjective well-being: a propensity score matching analysis, Demography, 53(4), 955–978.

Baizán, P., Arpino, B., Delclós, C.E. (2016). The effect of gender policies on fertility: The moderating role of education and normative context,  European Journal of Population, 32(1), 1-30.

Bordone V. and Arpino B. (2016) Do grandchildren influence how old you feel? Journal of Aging and Health, 28(6), 1055-1072.

Vitali, A., and Arpino B. (2016) Who brings home the bacon. The influence of context on couples’ earning arrangements. Demographic Research, 35 (41), 1213-1244.


Arpino B.,  Esping-Andersen, G. and Pessin, L. (2015) How do Changes in Gender Role Attitudes towards Female Employment influence Fertility? A Macro-Level Analysis, European Sociological Review, 31 (3), 370-382.

Vitali A. and Arpino B. (2015) Living arrangements of second generation immigrants in Spain: A cross-classified multilevel analysis, Regional Studies, 49(2), 189-203.


Arpino, B. and Bordone, V. (2014) Does Grandparenting Pay Off? The Effect of Childcare on Grandparents´ Cognitive Functioning, Journal of Marriage and Family, 76, 337–351.

Arpino B., Pronzato C. and Tavares L.P. (2014) The effect of grandparental support on mothers’ labour market participation: an instrumental variable approach, European Journal of Population, 30, 369–390.

Arpino B., De Cao E. and Peracchi F. (2014) Using panel data for partial identification of human immunodeficiency virus prevalence when infection status is missing not at random, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society – A, 177(3), 587–606. 

Arpino B. and Aassve A. (2014) The role of villages in households’ poverty exit: evidence from a multilevel model for rural Vietnam, Quality & Quantity, 48(4), 2175-2189.


Aassve A., Arpino B. and Billari F.C. (2013) Age norms on leaving home: Multilevel evidence from the European Social Survey, Environment and Planning A, 45, 383–401.

Arpino B. and Aassve A. (2013) Estimation of causal effects of fertility on economic wellbeing: Data requirements, identifying assumptions and estimation methods,  Empirical Economics, 44 (1), 355-385.

Arpino B. and Tavares L.P. (2013) Fertility and values in Italy and Spain: a look at regional differences within the European context, Population Review, 52(1), 62-86.


Aassve A., Arpino B. and Goisis A. (2012) Grandparenting and mothers’ labour force participation: A comparative analysis using the Generations and Gender Survey, Demographic Research, 27(3), 53-84.


Arpino B. and Mealli F. (2011) The specification of the propensity score in multilevel studies, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 55,  1770-1780.


Arpino B. and Varriale R. (2010) Assessing the quality of institutions' rankings obtained through multilevel linear regression models, Journal of Applied Economic Sciences, 5, 1(11), pp. 7-22.