3) Papers under review and unpublished research

Albertini M. and Arpino B. Childlessness, parenthood and subjective wellbeing: The relevance of conceptualizing parenthood and childlessness as a continuum. SocArXiv

Arpino, B., & Di Nallo, A. (2022). Sleeping with the enemy. Partners’ political attitudes and risk of separation. SocArXiv. (R&R)

Arpino, B., & Failli, D. (2024). Contact with children among older European parents:  Does digital communication substitute or accumulate with traditional contact?.  SocArXiv (R&R)

Arpino, B., & Solé-Auró, A. (2023). Internet use and volunteering among older Spaniards. SocArXiv (Under review)

Failli, D., Arpino, B. & Marino M. F.  (2023). A finite mixture approach for the analysis of digital skills in Finland, Italy and Bulgaria: the role of socio-economic factors. arXiv working paper.  (Under review)

Failli, D., Arpino, B. & Marino M. F.  (2023) Multilevel mixtures of latent trait analyzers for clustering multi-layer bipartite networks. arXiv working paper.  (Under review)

Mair, C., Arpino, B., Antczak, R. & Quashie, N. Kinless Older Adults’ Risk of Loneliness During COVID-19 by Country Contex. (R&R)

Pittavino, M., Arpino, B. & Pirani, E. (2024) Kinlessness at older ages: Prevalence and heterogeneity in 27 countries. Working Paper DISIA, University of Florence (Under review)

Tosi, M. & Arpino, B. (2024) Gender inequality in intergenerational contact after parental separation in the digital era. SocArXiv.  (Under review)

Tavares, L. P., Azevedo, A. B., & Arpino, B. (2022). Fertility, economic uncertainty and the COVID-19 pandemic: Before and after. SocArXiv.