Canterbury Earthquakes and Ground Motion Prediction Data

Disclaimer: Despite posting these software for public use, it must be emphasised that no liability for the use of these files is accepted. Users are expected to make use of the source codes which are provided.

New Zealand-specific ground motion prediction

The matlab files here provide the matlab source code and example of the Bradley (2013) empirical ground motion prediction equation for pseudo-spectral accelerations from active shallow crustal earthquakes in New Zealand.

Strong ground motion data from the Canterbury earthquakes

These ground motions can be manipulated using software such as Seismosignal

Ground motion data from the 4 September 2010 Darfield Earthquake (from Bradley (2012)).

Ground motion data from the 22 February 2011 Christchurch Earthquake (from Bradley and Cubrinovski (2011)).

Ground motion data from the 13 June 2011 Mw6.0 Christchurch Earthquake (from Bradley (2016)).

Ground motion data from the 23 December 2011 Mw5.9 Christchurch Earthquake (from Bradley (2013)).

Spatial distribution of peak ground acceleration from the Canterbury earthquakes

The spatial distribution of peak ground acceleration throughout the Canterbury region has been computed. The purpose of such a computation is to enable the back-analysis of liquefaction triggering of surficial soil deposits. This work has been commissioned by the Department of Building and Housing (DBH), and is provided here on their behalf.


Report : Outlining the theory of the computation (and Part 2 which provides results for further events).

Google earth KMZ files: For obtaining numerical values at specific sites

(*When downloading these files you acknowledge that you have read and understood the disclaimer on page 2 of the report)

Further details can be found at: Spatial distribution of ground motion