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As a research team we are committed to open and deep collaboration, gender and ethnic diversity. As New Zealanders, we are also committed to the Treaty of Waitangi, and bi-cultural competence. Prospective researchers from under-represented groups are particularly encouraged to consider joining the research team.
PhD/Masters students:
Mike Dupuis, 2019-present
Topic: Simulation of subduction earthquakes to determine structural demand hazard
Mike obtained his BSc (Civil Engineering) from Queen's University and MASc (Seismic Engineering) from the University of British Columbia. He has 7 years experience as a structural engineer with RJC and BC Hydro in Vancouver, Canada
Felipe Kuncar, 2021-present
Topic: Validation and improvement of site response analysis
Felipe obtained his BSc and MSc (Civil Engineering) from Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María in Valparaíso, Chile. During that time, he studied the numerical modelling of seismic site response and also conducted a short-term research stay at U of Arizona, US. He has nearly five years’ experience as a geotechnical engineer in Santiago, Chile.
Sarah Neill, 2019-present
Topic: Uncertainty quantification and propagation in simulation-based ground motion prediction and seismic hazard analysis
Sarah obtained her BE(Hons) from the University of Auckland in 2010, after which she worked as a consulting engineer for Beca in Auckland till 2016. She then moved to California to undertake an MSc at UC Berkeley which she completed in 2017. She then worked at Holmes Structures in San Francisco before returning to NZ to commence a PhD.
Claudio Schill, 2019-present
(PhD student and part-time Senior Software Engineer)
Topic: Applications of machine learning in seismic hazard analysis
Claudio completed his BSc (Computer Science, Physics) in 2013 at the University of Canterbury. Has three years of commercial software development experience and is currently finishing up his Masters of Science (Physics). Interested in Machine Learning, Algorithm and Science.
Ayushi Tiwari, 2022-present
Topic: Advancing predictability of physics-based ground-motion simulations in New Zealand: Empirical and theoretical modelling advancements.
Ayushi obtained her B.Tech in Civil Eng. from NIT Trichy, India in 2016, and M.S. in Geotechnical Eng. from UT Austin in 2018. She has subsequently worked for Golder Associates (Atlanta) and the National Geophysical Research Institute in Hyderabad, India. Her research experience includes pulse-based characterization of strong ground motions, seismic hazard analysis, and assessment and characterization of induced earthquakes.
Juan Jose Sepulveda Garcia, 2023-present
Topic: TBC
Juan Jose obtained his BSc (Civil Engineering) and MEng (Geotechnics) from the Universidad Nacional de Colombia in 2017 and 2021, respectively. His research experiences have been related to the explicit handling of uncertainties and the evaluation of dependences of random variables in geotechnical engineering. He also has nearly four years of experience as a geotechnical engineering consultant in different cities of Colombia.
Postdoctoral fellows / Research Associates / Software Engineers:
Chris de la Torre, 2018-present
Topic: Incorporating soil non-linearity into physics-based ground motion simulation through site-specific ground response analysis (UC PhD 2018-2021; Postdoc 2021-2023: Research fellow 2023-present)
Chris obtained his BSc(Civil) from UC Berkeley and MSc(GeotechEng) from U Washington. At UW, he worked to identify liquefaction triggering based on the ground motion frequency content evolution. He also has three years experience as a consultant in Seattle, Washington.
Morteza Abbasnejadfard, 2024-present
Topic: Spatial correlation of simulated and recorded ground motions
Morteza completed his BSc in Civil Engineering (Structural Engineering) at the University of Tabriz in 2011, and his MSc in Earthquake Engineering at the University of Tehran in 2014. He earned his PhD in Earthquake Engineering from the International Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Seismology (IIEES), and conducted research on seismic risk and resilience assessment, seismic hazard assessment with a special focus on spatial correlation of earthquake intensity measures, and development of vulnerability functions for buildings and infrastructure systems. He has also been a senior structural engineer with over 10 years of experience in the consulting engineering sector.
Cesar Pajaro, 2024-present
Topic: Physics-based ground-motion simulation - validation and forward application
Cesar completed both his BSc and PhD in Civil Engineering at the Universidad del Norte in 2017 and 2024, respectively. Before pursuing his PhD, he conducted research on the use of Bayesian techniques to infer Vs profiles and soil non-linear behavior. During his PhD, his research focused on developing region-specific empirical ground motion models (GMM) for Northern South America. Additionally, he has been involved in the development of the national seismic risk model of Colombia, particularly focusing on ground motion records selection and seismic hazard. Cesar also has experience in conducting site response analysis and liquefaction susceptibility assessment in Colombia.
Sung Bae, 2017-present
(Specialized Software Engineer)
Sung obtained his B.Sc and Ph.D in Computer Science (algorithm research) from the University of Canterbury. He spent a number of years in software industry, and worked as a supercomputing consultant and scientific programmer for New Zealand eScience Infrastructure (NeSI) since 2012. Sung leads the strategic direction of QuakeCoREs simulation and data visualization platform for the development, parallelization, testing, and optimization of scientific software
Joel Ridden, 2021-present
(Software Engineer)
Joel completed his BE (Software Engineering) with Honours in 2020 from the University of Canterbury. He previously spent some time doing an internship in the software industry for BDO. Interested in Algorithms, Science and Software Applications.
Jake Faulker, 2024-present
(Software Engineer)
Jake completed his BSc in Computer Science and MSc in Mathematics from the University of Canterbury. He has prior software experience through his internship at Verizon Connect. Jake is interested in applications of Mathematics, Machine Learning, and theoretical topics in Algebra and Geometry.
Andrew Ridden-Harper, 2024-present
(Senior Software Engineer)
Andrew obtained a BSc in physics (2012) and a BSc with first-class honours in astrophysics (2013) from the University of Canterbury; followed by a PhD in astrophysics at Leiden University, the Netherlands (2018); and a postdoctoral fellowship at Cornell University and Las Cumbres Observatory (New York, USA). In his astrophysics research, Andrew developed physics-based simulations for high-performance computers, and sophisticated data analysis techniques. Now, Andrew is excited to apply his technical skills to the field of earthquake engineering.
Past group members:
Vahid Loghman, 2017-2023
Ground motion simulation validation via response of complex structures (PhD)
Vahid obtained his BSc (Civil Eng) from Isfahan University of Technology in 2001 and MSc (Eq. Eng) from Amirkabir University of Technology (Tehran Polytechnic) in 2013. His previous research has concentrated on the seismic behaviour of friction base-isolated structure. He has more than 15 years' experience as a professional structural engineer in Iran.
James Patterson, 2019-2023
Software Engineer
Currently: Software Engineer, Seequent, Christchurch
Jason Motha, 2018-2022
Senior Software Engineer
Currently: Senior Data Manager, Child Wellbeing Research Institute, University of Canterbury
Jesse Hutchinson, 2021-2022
Postdoctoral Fellow, Development of a New Zealand Ground Motion Database
Currently: Seismologist, Ocean Networks Canada
Tom Son, 2021-2022
Software Engineer
Andrew Stolte, 2018-2022
Postdoctoral Fellow / Field-testing engineer
Currently: Lecturer, University of Auckland
Jonney Huang, 2018-2021
Software Engineer
Currently: Operations Development Specialist, HPCNow!
Kevin Foster, 2017-2022
Topic: A New Zealand Vs30 model incorporating regional geology, topography and site-specific measurements (PhD).
Currently: Tonkin and Taylor, Christchurch
Andrei Nguyen, 2018-2020
Topic: Full waveform tomography of New Zealand for broadband ground motion simulation (postdoc)
Karim Tarbali, 2014-2018
Topic: Ground motion selection for seismic response analysis (PhD); Probabilistic seismic hazard analysis using simulation-based ground motion modelling in New Zealand (postdoc)
Currently: Lecturer, University of Paris
Melody Zhu, 2018-2021
Software Engineer
Currently: Software Engineer, IAG, Christchurch
Robin Lee, 2013-2019
Topic: A 3D seismic velocity model for Canterbury, New Zealand for broadband ground motion simulation (PhD); Ground motion simulation validation of Mw>3.5 New Zealand earthquakes since 2003 (postdoc)
Currently: Senior Lecturer, Department of Civil and Natural Resources Engineering, University of Canterbury
Ethan Thomson, 2014-2019
Currently: Software Engineer, Air New Zealand
Jagdish Vyas, 2017-2018
Topic: Ground motion simulation of complex multi-fault ruptures with uncertianties
Currently: KAUST
Xavier Bellagamba, 2016-2019
Thesis: Machine learning-supported and data-driven enhancements of distributed infrastructure seismic resilience. PhD Thesis, University of Canterbury. 2019. (UC Repository) (PDF)
Currently: Quantitative Financial Risk Consultant, Ernst&Young, Zurich
Sharmila Savarimuthu, 2017-2019
Software Engineer
Currently: Software Developer, Geospatial Research Institute
Daniel Lagrava, 2016-2018
Specialist Scientific Programmer
Currently: Software Engineer, NIWA, Christchurch
Seokho Jeong, 2014-2017
Topic: 3D basin-edge and topographic effects on ground motion in the Canterbury earthquakes
Currently: Assistant Professor, Changwon National University
Hoby Razafindrakoto, 2015-2018
Topic: Ground motion simulation of the Canterbury earthquakes
Currently: Research Scientist, GFZ Potsdam, Germany.
Ahsan Nazer, 2016-2017
Topic: Ground motion simulation of Porters Pass fault earthquakes
Currently: Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics and Science, American University of Afghanistan.
Reagan Chandramohan, 2016-2017
Topic: Validation of structural modelling techniques and assessment of model uncertainties
Currently: Senior Lecturer, Department of Civil and Natural Resources Engineering, University of Canterbury
Chris McGann, 2013-2014
Topic: 3D shear wave velocity characterization of shallow soils in the Canterbury region using a region-specific CPT-Vs correlation (postdoc)
Currently: Associate Professor, Dept. Of Civil and Natural Resources Engineering, University of Canterbury
Merrick Taylor, 2009-2014
Thesis: The geotechnical characterisation of Christchurch sands for advanced soil modelling (co-supervisor with Misko Cubrinovski)
Currently: Technical Director, BECA, Auckland, NZ
James Kaklamanos, 2009-2012
Thesis: Quantifying uncertainty in earthquake site response models using the KiK-Net database (co-supervisor with Laurie Baise and Eric Thompson, Tufts University)
Currently: Associate Professor, Merrimack College, MA (website)
Varun Joshi, 2012-2013
Thesis: Near-fault forward-directivity aspects of strong ground motions in the 2010-11 Canterbury earthquakes (ME Thesis)
Currently: Graduate Engineer, Beca Carter, Wellington.
Sam McHattie, 2012-2013
Thesis: Seismic response of the UC Physics building in the Canterbury earthquakes (ME Thesis)
Currently: Graduate Engineer, Beca Carter, Auckland.
Saumya Das, 2012-2014
Thesis: Three dimensional formulation for the stress-strain-dilatancy elastoplastic constitutive model for sand under cyclic loading (ME Thesis)
Currently: Graduate Engineer, ISPS, Wellington.
Gareth Morris, 2014-2015
Topic: Experimental evaluation of local bond behaviour of deformed reinforcing bars in concrete structures (co-supervisor with Des Bull)
Currently: Design Engineer, Holmes Consulting, Christchurch.
Mohammad Jawad Arefi, 2009-2013
Thesis: Dynamic characteristics and evaulation of ground response for sands with non-plastic fines (PhD; co-supervisor with Misko Cubrinovski)
Currently: Graduate Engineer, Beca, Christchurch.
Kelly Robinson, 2010-2015
Topic: Liquefaction-induced lateral spreading in urban areas during the 2010Darfield and 2011 Christchurch earthquakes (PhD; co-supervisor with Misko Cubrinovski)
Trevor Yeow, 2011-2016
Topic: Decision support tools for seismic sustainability assessment considering downtime and injury (PhD; co-supervisor with Greg MacRae and Rajesh Dhakal)
Currently: Postdoctoral research fellow, University of Tokyo