This page is dedicated to the use of FORTRAN 90/95 for Advanced Analytics. In 2008 when I first started doing Advanced Analytics at Motorola (also mixed up with Big Data by many people) the very first tool that I used was the R programming language. R worked, but I never felt that it worked well. Motorola stood up a central analytics team in 2010 and migrated to SAS. SAS was much better at doing many things than R. It has a much better learning curve, especially if you used tools like Enterprise Guide and Enterprise Miner. While not lightning fast, it ran much faster (several times) than R. Automating and scheduling reports and analysis was easy. SAS was also well structured to develop on, which I never felt R was good at. The big downside was it cost $$$, and lots of them. The table below compares some of the common languages used for Advanced Analytics and shows why I like FORTRAN

This site is where I plan to share programs, subroutines, code snippets, etc that I Collected, converted, translated or developed in FORTRAN 90/95 for doing Advanced Analytics. I am putting everything I can under the most liberal license terms that I am allowed to.

License types are PD=Public Domain,

Category are my arbitrary categories, STATS=Statistical Routine, CDF=Continuous Distribution Function

I can be reached at BoydEOwens at