Organs simulations for Hauptwerk

As a symphonic organ enthusiast, I tried to simulate some of my favourite organs using sample sets already existing on the market, choosing them carefully and harmonizing them as my experience.

These sample sets for Hauptwerk system were born, virtual organs as simulations of existing or no more existing organs.

THESE ARE NOT THE REAL ORGANS SAMPLES but just freely recreated simulations by me.

To use these organs it's required an Hauptwerk system ( with the organs requested in "requirements" installed, along with the files of the simulated organ that can be required here on this site.

This because the virtual simulated organs I create use sample sets sold by other producers (Sonus Paradisi and Milan Digital Audio) of other organs (Cavaillé-Coll or other builders) that I found nearest as possible to the sound of original organs I wanted to simulate.

Features of these simulated organs

- Multirelease

- noise of engine, keyboards and pedal traction, pedalets and stops

- sober harmonization and very respectful of the original organs

- all couplements working the original mechanical\Barker traction 

- Voix humaine sampled also with tremulant (for other stops it's not planned the artificial tremulant of Hauptwerk)

- basic graphic interface of  Custom Organ Design Module (CODM) of Hauptwerk (sorry, I don't have time to learn to create more advanced graphic interfaces)


stop disposition and harmonization inspired by the "Pascal Quoirin 2006" of Evreux Cathedral - France


stop disposition and harmonization inspired by the "Cavaillé-Coll 1890" organ in st. Ouen, Rouen - France


- Requirements: Hauptwerk 4, Notredame de Metz (138,139,140), Caen (1319, 1320, 1691, 1693), St. Maximin v.2 (839,840), Dom Bedos demo (879)


stop disposition and harmonization inspired by the "J. Merklin 1880" organ in S. Luigi dei Francesi, Roma - Italia. 

The lavish sound of this beautiful organ has been simulated also with the original tuning at 416 hz.


- Requirements: Hauptwerk 4.0, Notredame de Metz (138,139,140), Caen Surround (396,397,398,399), St. Maximin v.2 (839,840)