
Research groups of interest

Free/Opensource Software

Matlab Geometry, a very comprehensive sets of functions to handle basic 2D/3D geometry

UNet for cell segmentation

ZeroCostDeepLearning4Microscopy, ready to use deep learning cell imaging tools

BioImageXD, for visualizing images, especially 3D image stacks

CellProfiler, for image analysis of cell phenotypes.

ImageVis3D, for visualizing 3D data on both desktop and mobile devices

BigDataViewer, a Fiji plugin for visualizing 3D data

tTt and qTfy, for cell tracking and analyzing

CT-FIRE, for fiber extraction such as in collagen matrix

EPFL biomedical imaging group, multiple image analysis plugins

Other useful resources

Cell image liberary

Nikon Microscopy Education

Leica Microscopy Education

Physics and Cancer Blog

Data visualization practical guide

Statistical analysis practical guide

A few high lighted imaging techniques from Hamamatsu

Image analysis algorithms and softwares

Allen Cell Explorer

Human Protein Atlas

Cell Biophysics Essentials (online textbook)