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Data analysis codes

We would like to share with you some MATLAB scripts we have developed along our research.

Manual image analysis tools:

getlinefromimages_3d.m, let the user use simple mouse and keyboard operations to locate line objects in 3D image stacks.

correlation based line detection, a GUI interface of the algorithm developed in our earlier publication. Please cite the paper if you are using the algorithm,

partial volume correlation, a PIV based algorithm to calculate 3D deformation field. Please cite the paper if you are using the algorithm

Plotting tools:

boxplot_cell.m, generate box plot and allow the user to use nested cell arrays for input. Also allows the user to specify the appearance of the plot in great detail.


Diskoid In Geometrically Micropatterned Extracellular matrix (DIGME), this is a low cost mechanical strategy to pattern 3D extracellular matrix in order to control the microenvironment of tissue organoids. Click this link for licensing information.