1996 - 7° edition

Vanessa Bell & Virginia Woolf. Drawing the life.

(19 May - 28 July) curated by Anna Maria Fioravanti Baraldi,Federica Manfredini and Liviana Zagagnoni + Exhibition of books from Virginia Woolf with covers designed by Vanessa Beel (27 volumes)

exhibition hall: Pavilion of Contemporary Art Palazzo Massari

whith the consultancy of: A. W. Brodswa from The Bloomsbury Workshop di Londra

Homage to Virginia Woolf.

curated by Francesca Mellone in collaboration with Vittoria Surian.

exhibition hall: Massari 1 Gallery


Renata Boeri, Laura Castagno, Francesca Cataldi, Maria Mullas, Giulia Napoleone, Nadia Nava, Daniela Peroni, Lucia Pescador, , Maria Luigia Vigant, Mirta Caroli, Maria Bernardone, Giovanna Gentilini, Maria Lai.


V and V (Vanessa Bell and Virginia Woolf ) curated by Lola Bonora and Anna Quarzi



Painting and Literature in Vanessa and Virginia by Vita Fortunati

Vanessa Bell: a painter by Francis Spolding

The view and the landscape in Vanessa Bell's art from the Grands Tours of to the quiet of Cassis by Anna Maria Fioravanti Baraldi

Vanessa Bell: a decorator by Federica Manfredini

The book as a subject of art: words and images in the graphic of Vanessa Bell by Raffaella Baccolini

Virginia Woolf: a critic di Vanessa Bell by Lia Giacchero

As a wing of a butterfly by Francesca Mellone

Identity and difference by Vittoria Surian

V and V by Lola Bonora and Anna Quarzi

Biography of Vanessa Bell and Virginia Woolf by Federica Manfredini

Summary sheets of the works exhibited curated by the Bloomsbury Workshop, London.

Exposition Project by Dida Spano

Collateral Event

Conference (14 June 1996): Hall of Honor Palazzo Massari

The eye crossing: meetings, confrontations and contamination between the women art in the vanguards

Opening: Liviana Zagagnoni, Paola Castagnotto

Introduction: Vita Fortunati

Contributions: Female artists, what kind of profession? by Maria Antonietta Trasforini; Marina Crevateva and the thread of memories: my mother and the music by Haina Pessna Longom; The stories of Mansfield Catherina between impressionism and music by Annalisa Siboni; Location and cooperation among the Anglo-Saxon female artists of Modernism: The Example of Mina Loj, H.D.E., Vanessa Bell by Raffaella Baccolini; From writing to design and vice versa: the two arts of Else Lasker Schuler by Margherita Gigliotti; The woman artist and avant-garde in Italy by Anna Maria Fioravanti Baraldi

Conference curated by Anna Maria Fioravanti Baraldi and Maria Antonia Trasforini

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