2015 Fast Track

From left to right:

Bill Stearns (tenor), Dan Falcone (bass), Dan Signor (lead), Dave Bagley (baritone)

Fast Track formed in May 2012 with the combined goal of working hard, singing well and entertaining audiences. Dan Signor (lead) was looking for a hard working “local quartet” and reached out to Dan Falcone (bass) and Dave Bagley (tenor at the time) to see if they were interested….the rest, they say, is history. Bill Stearns (newest member and new tenor) joined the group in January 2015 and a re-voicing happened to move Dave from tenor to baritone. What a promotion!! The quartet started again….new songs and new sound, but they also took that opportunity to reaffirm their goals of hard work and constant improvement.

The quartet’s life has been filled with lots of rehearsing and coaching, many local sing outs, the Northeastern District Extreme Quartet Brigade and a full week of training at Harmony University. Fast Track has learned a lot throughout that time and has enjoyed contest accolades, placing 4th in their first District Contest. The next year they earned silver medals and then in the fall of 2015 they were crowned the Northeastern District Quartet Champions. In 2016 they competed at the BHS International convention in Nashville.