Second Email


Sent: Monday, June 05, 2000 2:23 AM

To: Prahlad Vadakkepat

Subject: Re: from Achan

From Achan:-

As intimated by you the water tank will be installed at the top of the current water tank on an ankler. The 500 litre water tank (Sintex) worth Rs.1600/-, AKSHAYA pump (set mono block [ISI]) is of Rs.3400/-, and accessories worth Rs.3000/- got from PK traders (Prop. Pottaraikal Mohandas). He will be take back whatever is not needed by us.

I was of wrong impression; you earlier intimated the need for providing a western style closet in the up-stairs. That is why I have thought like that. Arrangements were made after consulting pappu in this regard. Erecting the tank over the present tank will eliminate the difficulties regarding bends. It is possible that the pipe will flow parallel to the eastern wall of the building towards the proposed closet and bathroom.

In the eastern bed room on the upstair is to be provided with a door which is also arranged, if any alternation is necessary. Amma intimated that two rooms may be provided in the erstwhile cattle shed. It's thatching is of asbestos sheet. Certain KAZHIKOLs are to be replaced. Washbasin is to be provided in the eastern varantha. Grills in the eastern varantha will ensure further security. These works will be started only after getting your confirmation.

Achan participated in a "KAVI SAMMELANAM" at Mahathma College where I read out a poem.

Congratulation to kuts in his achievements in sports as well as in studies. We are eagerly expecting the smiling Kuts and Biju. Give to kuts a hundreds of mail kisses.