STS® (Survivors Teaching Students)

In 2002, Betty Reiser, an ovarian cancer survivor, developed the "Ovarian Cancer National Alliance Survivors Teaching Students: Saving Women's Lives ®" program.   The Survivors Teaching Students ® program is now administered by the Ovarian Cancer Research Alliance (

The mission of the STS ® program is to save women's lives by helping future healthcare practitioners learn to diagnose ovarian cancer in its earliest, most treatable stages. During the STS® presentation, ovarian cancer survivors, or their caregivers tell their stories in one class session to students in medical programs such as nursing, physician assistants, medical students, etc.  

Last year, the BOCS volunteers did 12 presentations at UK and EKU, reaching 223 nursing, medical and physician assistant students.  Our volunteer speakers talk about their experiences and students are given a short presentation from OCRA regarding ovarian and gynecologic cancer risks.

If you are a survivor or caregiver, and would like to be a presenter to help educate students, please get in touch with Rose Lewis at